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My 2nd DE shave did not go as well as the first...

Got all lathered up as good as I know how, started under my nose like I always do.
First swipe goes just as planned, second swipe I put a big slice on the outside part of my nostril:cursing:. I bled like a stuck hog, and I know how much a stuck hog bleeds because I'm a high school agriculture teacher! Anyways, had to cut my shave short because I was making a mess, I guess you live and learn.

I thought y'all might a laugh at my expience.

I do however have a question. I have a 1960 Gillette flare tip, the blade appears to stick out farther on one side than the other, is this normal? If not, can you tell me how to fix it?

Thanks, Andy
Uneven blade gap, just do a search.

Might be a bent safety bar or door.

Take it slow when starting out :)

Your next shave will be alot better.
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