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MWF: Question for Chemists/Soapers

Hey guys,

I know that MWF is revered on the forum by many, but I had a question about its formula. Does anyone know if MWF contains pure lanoiln (i.e., the kind that will not complicate skin)? I've read that certain lanolin derivatives can actually cause problems for people with oily/acne prone skin, so I just want to make sure I'm well informed before I shell out the coin for this product. (I know I can B/S/T it if it doesn;t work out, I just don't want to deal with any after-effects). Thanks for any feedback!
I have very acne prone skin and MWF didn't make me break out. I don't know what it will do for your face though.
In terms of the lanolin thing, I forget where I saw it, but I'm pretty certain it's natural lanolin. They also sell jars of natural lanolin and call their brand Wool Fat, so I'd be surprised if it wasn't wool fat
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