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MWF - I'm finally sold!

I have had my soap cake and container of MWF for nearly a hear and have tried to build lather with it a few times. My results? Meh...nothing to write home about. I had either too thin a lather, or two much water in the brush to really give it a solid go. A good carpenter never blames his tools, and I love the smell of MWF so I decided to switch technique and try again. Enter Omega.

I watched a few lather videos, and tried again with my 31025 I think that previously, my soap was not wet enough, but I gave it a good soak, poured some water into a bowl and rather than a face lather, I gave it the bowl treatment.

Woah! Thick gobs of lather just popped all over the bowl! I gave it about 30 seconds one way, 30 seconds the other and lathered up. I am strictly a badger user and only purchased a boar to give it a fair go because of all the talk on the boards. Lathered nicely, boar bristles may be a bit longer than I prefer but I'll tell you it felt like i had a quarter-inch of heavy, slick goodness that stayed put and warmed the beard something lovely! Plenty of lather for two passes (and a gratuitous third, jsut because i didn't really want to stop). Absolutely fantastic shave. gonna give this a go for the rest of the week and then cycle into the rotation. Once again, thanks B & B for the tips. Well done gentlemen!:thumbup:
I'd love to try a Semogue! I was firmly anti-boar until I found myself traveling in Petoskey for a weekend without my Rooney 3/1. I was in a panic about a brush and went to the only store I could find, a Rite-Aid, and I picked up a VDH. It was rough! Shed like a snake and I didn't like the feel at all, but the lather wasnt...to bad. Piqued my curiosity for those who have a good boar so I picked one up. I'll tell you this much, I had A LOT of lather with my MWF. Would I put my badgers on the B/S/T? No, but I don't mind using this one on occasion.

As to MWF? Niiiiiiiiiice!:thumbup1:
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