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Mustache March

Mustache March is a tradition in the US Air Force. Last year I grew out a mustache with my fellow squadron members. This year I'm retired from the Air Force, but I still work on base. So I'm growing out a mustache again to support my Air Force brothers.

Anyone else joining the Mustache March festivities?
That's interesting I had never heard of moustache march before and was interested to read about it. The RAF over here of which I am a affiliated to by being a uniformed volunteer within the cadet forces seem to have taken Movember to heart. However I have always abstained as formal parades for Remembrance/Armistice day fall in early November and I've never felt happy about parading with a half grown moustache.

I started growing mine during Christmas leave and its was more than presentable when I came back!

I noted in the article that Col Olds moustache contravened regulations, however it would appear to be acceptable under RAF regulations, certainly my trainee handlebar is. What regulations apply to USAF?
What regulations apply to USAF?
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