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Murray's Pomade

I picked up a jar of this today from my local walmart, per suggestions that its a good product for a good value, its only downside being that it sticks to hair TOO well. Can you guys give me some details on your experience using it? Thanks in advance
Wally carries two types - Light and Superior. Which one did you get? Superior is just plain too strong. I really enjoy Light. In any event, the trick is to heat it up in your and then apply. Comb like the devil.
Oh Murray's

It works way too well. I had to switch because it wasn't really washing out of my hair too well. I'd recommend using verywarm water in the shower to melt some of it out before you put your shampoo in.

I think it's a japanese company but "cool grease" is an amazing pomade. Pretty sure it's water based and holds really really well. Washes out like nothing.
In the old days there was only Superior.We used to take a small amount,rub it between our palms,then hold our hands over a stove flame.It melted in seconds ,and that's when we massaged it into the hair..
.no....it will not ignite !
Used superior for years. Still have a couple tins in the bathroom. I switched to using almost exclusively water-based pomades a year or two ago, but I may start working Murrays in again now that Vancouver's 9 months of non-stop rain have started (the big downside of water-based is having to worry about the rain whereas Murrays turns your hair into a built-in umbrella).

As far as the product, I love it. Nothing looks or holds quite like it in my experience. As much as I like and use some water-based products, they don't really come close. I eased off it for the same reason many people do: really hard to wash out, grease stains on my pillows, etc. Plus some folks I know who used it for even longer than me felt like their hair started thinning after using it for too long. Maybe it's just them being neurotic, but I've read stuff about it clogging pores/suffocating the scalp (or maybe just pulling out tons of hair while combing if it's not warmed enough). Quite likely BS, maybe not, who knows. I do know that I had a spot of my hair that looked a bit thinner than anywhere else and it coincidentally stopped getting worsewhen I stopped using Murrays, but again that might be nothing.

Like folks have said, warm it up however you choose before putting it in: friction, stove, hair dryer, etc. It really is the best IMO, if you don't mind the little hassles associated with it.
Works very well and was really the only game in town years ago. I consider it a bit too high maintenance these days considering there are so many other offerings that work fairly well with less hassle.
I picked up a jar of this today from my local walmart, per suggestions that its a good product for a good value, its only downside being that it sticks to hair TOO well. Can you guys give me some details on your experience using it? Thanks in advance

Impossible to wash up, can cause acne.
It's just too much of a pain to work with. I found water based pomades much, much easier to deal with.
I bought a tin and it did not work out. However it makes a decent bullet lube and it give a quick spit shine to boots on inspection days?
I know that I am coming in on this way late, but...I had to walk away from this stuff after a few months of use.

The hold is good, but the mess and buildup get to be unbearable. I went back and forth for a few weeks before I gave it up, but I am now glad that I did. I went to a water-based pomade which doesn't perform as well, but I do not feel like I am murdering my hair anymore which is a big plus. I have nightmares about going bald.

You may be able to swing Murray's regularly if you have short hair and do not use much. However, if you have thick and/or long hair, and have to use more than a dime-sized glob of this stuff: you're probably going to have trouble washing it out of your mop.

Good luck, and...like anything, give it a shot but do not ignore signs of irritation or damage.
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