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Muhle R89 vs R41

I just got a R89 and really like it. It seems better than my Merkur 38C, easier to control. I'm wondering if there is much difference between the R89 and the R41? Is the R41 more aggressive? I think I would like just a little closer shave than the R89 on the first pass. So far with the R89 I have used feather blades with good luck and haven't tried any others yet other than a Rotbart, which was quite good also, but I think I like the feather a little better.
Anyways I was thinking of buying a R41 to try and didn't know if there would be enough difference to make it worth while. Anyone tried both and if so what do you think? Appreciate any input.
Thanks, Jim
With the old models, there didn't used to be, except for the plating. The new models are different in that the R41 is an open comb. I don't know about their relative aggressiveness. If the new R41 is similar to the old one, it has been considered pretty aggressive.
Thanks for the input. I have heard the heads on both the R41 and R89 have been re-designed for 09. But I don't know if they are similar or quite different other than the open comb vs bar.
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