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Muhle 31 K 252 Synthetic vs the H.I.S. Synthetic

I'm in the market for a synthetic brush, I've read great reviews about the Muhle 31 K 252 and the H.I.S. synthetics, but was wondering which one would be considered the overall best synthetic between these two. The price of the H.I.S. is attractive, but the looks of the muhle are very attractive.

Thanks in advance gents.
I have read in various reviews that the HIS is a good brush and very cost effective for the performance. I don't own one but some of the critiques of the HIS was that the loft is too high on it and it feels like you are lathering your face from a great distance. Some have said that it tends to hog lather, but I find that hard to believe since synthetics tend to as a rule not hold the lather inside of them much, as opposed to the large natural fibre brushes. Overall the Muhle's are supposed to perform better and the build quality might be a bit better but there is a bit of a price premium there. I purchased my 23 and 25 MM Silvertip Synthetics from Connaught Shaving in Great Britain. Price and shipping costs were very reasonable. Much cheaper in fact than ordering from a North American retailer. Shipping time was very quick also. I am more than pleased with my Muehle synthetics, in fact I don't feel a need to purchase any further brushes and have given away or sold other brushes in my collection as a result. I know you would be pleased with the Muhle. Perhaps someone that owns both can offer a better perspective though. As in all things here, YMMV! Hope that helps.
I have the H.I.S., super soft with a decent backbone. It's a great synthetic, but it is quite large. If you like bigger brushes you'll probably enjoy it. Good luck!
Wow Attila, they're much cheaper at Connaught shaving. Thanks! Ordered the Muhle 25mm!
Yeah, I was amazed at the difference too. It was already worth it before for the quality of brush you're getting but buying it from Connaught makes it even sweeter. By the way, you mentioned the 31 K 252 in your thread title which is a 21 mm knot. The 25mm is the 35 K 252. If you are getting the 25 mm just make sure you like bigger brushes. It will behave different (naturally) than the smaller 21 mm. The 21mm is quite a bit "tighter" I would say. The 23 mm is a nice middle point. I do like my 25 though...
23mm is what I meant to type! Sorry for the mix up and thanks again!

Yeah, I was amazed at the difference too. It was already worth it before for the quality of brush you're getting but buying it from Connaught makes it even sweeter. By the way, you mentioned the 31 K 252 in your thread title which is a 21 mm knot. The 25mm is the 35 K 252. If you are getting the 25 mm just make sure you like bigger brushes. It will behave different (naturally) than the smaller 21 mm. The 21mm is quite a bit "tighter" I would say. The 23 mm is a nice middle point. I do like my 25 though...
The 35 K Series (25mm) is much closer to the H.I.S. (28 mm) in performance than the 31K Series (21 mm). The H.I.S. and the Muhle 35 K are tied as my favorite mass manufactured brush.
If you want a small brush, know that 21 mm in a synthetic behaves more like a 18 - 19 mm natural badger. All synthetics behave smaller than the equivalent sized natural badger knot because their fibers will not splay out like natural fibers do.

You should really consider the Frank Shaving synthetic brushes 24mm. In my opinion, the best value for the money; just as good performers as the two you are considering and for under $20 delivered, you can not beat it. The H.I.S is way too large, buy YMMV. If you like big brushes, then go for the H.I.S as the Muhles are over-priced for their performance, in my opinion.
I just want to bring to the attention that there are to type's of Muhle synthetics.
The Muhle Silvertip Fibre's mimic a luxurious badger (and are pretty good at that, though not the same) and the other is supposedly a bit more like boar.
One of the first comments is about synthetics not holding as much water as natural hairs.
Well I can tell you this is absolutely no longer the case. The Muhle Silvertip Fibre brushes hold tons of water. Way more then you ever need.
It has good backbone with really soft tips.
I need to shake it out more then a few times after just one minute of soaking.
BUT It is also the more expensive type offered from Muhle. With the other Muhle and HIS I personally have no experience.
I use this thread to ask around a little about the Mühle Silvertip Fibre brushes. I own a smallish Black Fibre HJM brush that has the thumb grips. It's a very good bowl latherer, but I don't like to face lather with it, since the bristles are so elastic. I love it drying fast, and after giving the matter of Chinese badger hunting to extinction some thought, I've decided to skip the silvertip or 2-band badger to give synthetics another go.

I looked at a friend's Mühle Silvertip fibre and did a test lather in my hand with it, and it was very nice. Very quick to lather and an almost gel-like feeling in my hand. Since he's off working, I don't know if it was a 23 or 25 mm knot he had in it, other than it was somewhat large.

Connaught has them both for cheap (with version 2 fibres on the 23 mm).

Do any of you notice a real difference in favour of version 2 fibres?
Is 23 mm enough to face lather and have enough for three passes and touchup?
I use this thread to ask around a little about the Mühle Silvertip Fibre brushes. I own a smallish Black Fibre HJM brush that has the thumb grips. It's a very good bowl latherer, but I don't like to face lather with it, since the bristles are so elastic. I love it drying fast, and after giving the matter of Chinese badger hunting to extinction some thought, I've decided to skip the silvertip or 2-band badger to give synthetics another go.

I looked at a friend's Mühle Silvertip fibre and did a test lather in my hand with it, and it was very nice. Very quick to lather and an almost gel-like feeling in my hand. Since he's off working, I don't know if it was a 23 or 25 mm knot he had in it, other than it was somewhat large.

Connaught has them both for cheap (with version 2 fibres on the 23 mm).

Do any of you notice a real difference in favour of version 2 fibres?
Is 23 mm enough to face lather and have enough for three passes and touchup?

I found the 23mm Muhle Fibre Silvertip the Goldilocks of brushes...just right.
Thank you for your work there!

I ended up deciding against the 25 mm V1, and instead I'll be ordering a 23 mm V2.
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