We'll see if this goes anywhere. In the course of looking for You-Tube videos to tag with in this thread, I've come across some wonderfully stinky ones. So I thought it might be fun to dedicate a thread to cringe-worthy music videos.
Here's my initial offering. I loved the earlier Yardbirds and Led Zeppelin's first album was mind-blowing. But haven't yet been able to watch this performance of Dazed and Confused from start to finish without turning away. My problem is with Relf, the lead vocalist, who penned the lyrics (I hadn't known that before about five minutes ago). Every time I watch, I wonder what Page must be thinking.
Maybe it's just me. This was apparently a popular number on the Yardbirds' last two American tours.
Here's my initial offering. I loved the earlier Yardbirds and Led Zeppelin's first album was mind-blowing. But haven't yet been able to watch this performance of Dazed and Confused from start to finish without turning away. My problem is with Relf, the lead vocalist, who penned the lyrics (I hadn't known that before about five minutes ago). Every time I watch, I wonder what Page must be thinking.
Maybe it's just me. This was apparently a popular number on the Yardbirds' last two American tours.
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