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Morris & Forndran Blonde Badger


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If we are reminicing...here is my first M&F and it's still one of my favorites.

Lee7 in Blonde Hybrid knot but from early 2012/late 2011 batch. Amazing hair but unlike my other M&Fs which are also amazing.

Here it is today! Looking a little worse for wear, showing some worn logo but I wouldn't have it any other way.

If you ask me, Lee hasn't made a finer brush and it was a perfect first brush from him.
So what would be ideal measurements in a blonde badger brush for face lathering? I've been considering a 26mm knot, just not sure on the loft. Thanks!!
My first M&F. The one that started it all off around 4 years ago. What an amazing brush!

I believe I ran across a picture of this brush from you in a thread I spotted via Google's search results earlier this weekend. I love your handle and how beautifully the knot fans out "just so".
So what would be ideal measurements in a blonde badger brush for face lathering? I've been considering a 26mm knot, just not sure on the loft. Thanks!!

The usual minimum standard I go by is loft = 2x the knot diameter. If you are going with an XL brush add in a few more mm of loft because they are incredibly dense.
I just got an order through with Lee after several months of trying. He said he moved into a older house that needs some work, so he's been busy with that. For those interested in ordering, it's possible that you might have to be more patient than normal. He sent the nicest email response though, and he was very prompt with my follow up question.


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The usual minimum standard I go by is loft = 2x the knot diameter. If you are going with an XL brush add in a few more mm of loft because they are incredibly dense.

I don't think I've ever seen a 2XL under 50, let alone 56-58mm lofted? Mine is 28/47 and have seen many others in that range.

The 2:1 is my rule of thumb for brushes too except for the 2XL and D01-2 band.
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I've owned a lot of M&F's and I have never seen one with a loft above 53mm.

The only brushes I've seen with a higher loft than 53mm that were (probably) crafted by Lee would be the Rooney Finests. And if you've ever used them you would see why they need the extra loft.
It's called scalping.

I had 8 tickets to every playoff and World Series game at Royals Stadium in 1985 (the year they won it all). I ended up with an extra for game 6 (which turned out to be the most exciting game). On approach to the gate I saw a kid who was begging for a ticket -- don't remember his story, but it was heart-rending, and he was completely believable. At least by me. I was pretty naive back then. So I sold him my extra ticket for face value, which was $15. Later, I noticed the guy who showed up to sit in that seat wasn't the guy I sold the ticket to. I asked the guy in the seat what he'd paid for the ticket. He said $200. I smiled and was a little wiser.

The scalper who bought the ticket from me was arguably just a finger on the Invisible Hand of the Market doing his part to maintain supply and demand in equilibrium. He didn't break any law. He didn't breach any contract. And he didn't violate anyone's rights. But, in my estimation, he was not a nice man.

That is in poor taste, but it is also tainted with LYING, and FRAUD. Pure scalping, where someone buys a ticket under no illusion that he was going to the game wouldn't be so distasteful. In fact, it could even be helpful! Look at what happened in London during the Olympics. Without a secondary market to match buyers and sellers, they ended up with masses of unused seats. The problem I have with scalping is more with the artists and venues than with the scalpers. In an effort to be 'fair' with their pricing the venues and artists first lose out on revenue and second put money into a secondary market than unfortunately contains fraudsters. One of the key benefits of a secondary market is liquidity. If I decide, for whatever reason, to sell my tickets, or my shaving brush I can. Pricing, and scalping, really optimizes utility for the buyer and seller. If the price is too low, it may go to a scalper! Moreso, if may go to someone who doesn't value the product as much as another!
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