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More up-to-date scents


Has anybody come across a line of creams that has (what I'm calling) more up-to-date scents. Something along the lines of the body wash scents of AXE or the newer Old Spice scents. 'Fresh' or 'Ocean' are some typical names.

I've been using TOBS creams because of how well they lather and protect my face, but the scents just seem too 'old'. I understand the idea of the traditional scent, but they're just not working for me anymore.

Two that come to mind that I like are Arlington by DR Harris (soap or cream) and Akro makes one called Commando and it is very much like what you are describing. Two others to consider are Sir Irish Moos (spelling might be wrong, do a search) and Crabtree and Evelyn Sienna is very modern. Higher dollar stuff would be T&H Grafton.
Yes, i have some commando. I'll have to try it again.

I've been sticking with the TSOB too much probably. Need to try some other manufacturers.
If you can find "Real Shaving Company" creams at, e.g. Rite Aid or, I think, Walmart, you would probably like their "Moisturizing" formula. it is VERY AXE-like, IMHO and the reason, in fact, that I have shaved twice with it and will now be pawning it off on my brother-in-law. I can't stand that over-bearing modern, cologne, body-wash scent. On the plus-side of the equation it is, in fact, made by the same company that makes either TOBS or Trumpers, if I'm not mistaken, so you'll get the same quality with a "newer" scent.
I don't know, Greglam. To me the Real Shaving Company creams both smell like tea tree oil and not much else. And a boatload of tea tree oil, at that. Hate the smell of those creams.

If the OP really wants a fresh, oceanic, cologne-scented cream, he should look no further than Truefitt and Hill 1805. Guaranteed to please.:thumbup1:
I don't know, Greglam. To me the Real Shaving Company creams both smell like tea tree oil and not much else. And a boatload of tea tree oil, at that. Hate the smell of those creams.

If the OP really wants a fresh, oceanic, cologne-scented cream, he should look no further than Truefitt and Hill 1805. Guaranteed to please.:thumbup1:


It's a rather unpleasant earthy scent.

If I had no other choices, I could learn to live with it, but since I have a cabinet full of shaving soaps, and creams that I actually like the smell of, I won't be buying it again.
+1 on the Arko Commando; one of my favorite scents. And while we're on the subject of Truefitt and Hill, have you tried their Trafalgar cream? While it's a spicy, clean scent, it smells very fresh and a bit "oceany" to me. It's a fantastic cream, and I wouldn't hesitate to use it if I were still trying to stay up to date on scents (which I'm not, but no sense wearing AV Ice Blue every day!:tongue_sm

I have a sample container of Trafalgar. I'll have to pull it out and try it again. These are all great suggestions, Thanks
You need to get samplers of "blue" and "ocean/marine" scents from a decanter.
I'm not an expert on those scents, but I know that there are much better choices than Axe out there!
I have got a tube of Dalan shaving cream of the variety "awakening theraphy shaving cream" (therapy is written like theraphy on the tube) this reminds me of many body wash scents. In my opinion its a nice calming and yet fresh scent.

Having that said, although the Dalan creams are made by the same company as Arko creams witch lather very well. I can not create good lather with it.
Having that said, although the Dalan creams are made by the same company as Arko creams witch lather very well. I can not create good lather with it.

I tried all three of the variates of Dalan Shaving Cream sold through Shaveabuck. They were all great lathers, and to me all smelled like Fruit Stripe Gum. Perhaps the one you have is a different product all together.

You need to get samplers of "blue" and "ocean/marine" scents from a decanter.
I'm not an expert on those scents, but I know that there are much better choices than Axe out there!

No offense if you really like it, but Axe is bottom tier stuff. I would suggest you try out samples of Davidoff Cool Water, and Aqua Di Gio by Giorgio Armani. These two colognes spurred the whole aquatic/ocean/marine phenomenon. Another good candidate is Ocean for Men by Bath and Body Works. It's $30 for a large 3.4 oz bottle, but with the constant sales they have you can often get it for buy one get one free. At $15, it's a really great deal.
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I had to get rid of 1805 due to the gf saying I smelled like an old man.

My recommendation......drumroll.....

Speick Soap, cream, aftershave lotion/balm.

They smell great for the old and young.
I think the Body Shop's Maca Root cream has a very modern scent. A lot of people complain that it smells like dish detergent, but I think it smells vaguely of Hugo by Hugo Boss.
Bronnley Body Care Shaving Cream has a very generic body wash scent, or +2 on The Body Shop Maca Root.
Two that come to mind that I like are Arlington by DR Harris (soap or cream)

Arlington a modern scent? Seriously? You must be joking.

TOBS Jermyn Street is very modern, as is Trumper GFT. Ditto for Arko Cool and Adventure
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