Hi all, just looking for your thoughts on mixing the two aftershaves/splashes together. While wandering my colourful downtown core, I walked into a Carribean grocery store (I never knew existed), and came across Benjamins Bay Rum splash/lotion and Alcolado Glacial ("the air conditioner in a bottle")
both of which I have never smelled/used before, but I have seen mentioned in the forums. On their own they smell great, but I want...need... to mix the two together to see what I come up with, I also want to mix the two, together and on their own with somthing like Nivea unscented balm.
What do 'yall think??
both of which I have never smelled/used before, but I have seen mentioned in the forums. On their own they smell great, but I want...need... to mix the two together to see what I come up with, I also want to mix the two, together and on their own with somthing like Nivea unscented balm.
What do 'yall think??