I thought the Pinaud Clubman Bay Rum splash was okay - bought 3 but wanted something much stronger and authentic so...
Shopping List
1 litre Red Leg Spiced Jamaican Rum
I litre Food Grade Vegetable Glycerine
1 litre Stolichnaya Russian Vodka
10 litres 99.5% Isopropyl Alcohol
30 ml Pimento Berry oil - Allspice
10 ml Cinnamon Leaf oil
10 ml Cinnamon Bark oil
10 ml Clove Bud oil
500 ml Sweet Orange oil
50 ml Bitter Orange oil
50 ml Lime oil
50 ml Lemon oil
10 ml Black Pepper oil
50 ml Ginger Root oil
10 ml Vanilla oil
Oh forgot bottles - erm I`ll source some 50 ml brown glass ones presently and find my small S/S funnels.
Just waiting a couple of days for the rum, allspice, bitter orange and glycerine - not made it for a few years but seem to remember having to make a big batch because it was so popular it went like hotcakes.
Could make a litre batch but if I ask the lads I`ll probably need to do two - Now the fussy girls are much harder to please ; done a few perfumes; herbal tonics and candles but still got loads to do - I think I`ll have to call my favours in and phone a friend !
Just in time for Christmas so what I`ll do is let them smell the Pinaud Clubman Bay Rum first which is fine then I`ll get my freaky concoction out haha!
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