I know how much we all love to acquire things here on B&B, but what do you guys think is the bare minimum requirement for a complete dress wardrobe? Looking forward to your thoughts.
• Black captoe oxfords, either balmoral or blucher (whichever fits you better): 2 pair min
Oxford = balmoral, but blucher/darby is a different kind of shoe.
IMHO, it's the Oxford (Balmoral) that is the essential black shoe ... but also IMHO, in this day and age, if you own a good pair of black Derbys, there's probably no need to get a pair of Oxfords too.
I had to go to Wikipedia to look up the reference to "derbys". Here it in the US, an oxford is a lace up shoe (either balmoral or blucher) - it never occurred to me that there was another definition.
my 2c,
if my collection burned down in a house fire, i'd feel good about repurchasing the following first:
-athletic shoe
-casual sneaker
-fall/winter boot
-moccasin/boat shoe
-black oxford
you'll cover 95% of your needs with those 5 imo.
I just typed a long post here, and when I tried to post it, I had to log in again for some reason, and lost it all. Maybe that's a sign to keep it more brief!