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Minimalists in the midst?

Are there any minimalists among you? Hell, does the world of wet shaving allow room for minimalism?

Stylistically, I'm one. I've only ever used a single shaving soap (Art of Shaving); I don't plan on hoarding/collecting razors (as soon as I find the one that fits me, I'll sell all my others), and I prefer the very consistent regimen. And shave brushes - I can't fathom having more than one lol. What you call variety, I call clutter ;P

I like the elegance of coming out of a shower to a neatly arranged expensive chrome stand, holding a single (preferably stainless steel) razor (ATLAS R1!) paired with a single brush, a single mildly scented (no tabac ;P) soap, and small towel. Oh, and not to mention the prim blade bank (not home-made) that compliments the room decor so nicely :p

But until then, I'll (once I'm rich) go through a month or two of hoarding massive amounts of different varieties of all combinations of things imaginable.

I've been posting a lot, recently. Yeesh, I hope a moderator doesn't ban me :blushing:
Don't worry, I'll simmer down for a little
Indeed. A minimalist and tidy shaving den looks awesome :)

This is a "Acquisition disorder" vs. "need for a stylish shaving station" thing.

That being said, nothing refrains one from storing all his shaving gear acquired through AD in a cupboard and just letting his items of choice sit on the counter ;)
...I've been posting a lot, recently. Yeesh, I hope a moderator doesn't ban me :blushing:
Don't worry, I'll simmer down for a little

No worries, Toucan! We here at B&B encourage our members--old AND new--to participate whenever the mood strikes them. Post away, meboy!!:pirate:
I'm all about minimalism too. I sell it if I won't use it. However, I keep what I use regularly... 4 razors 3 brushes and 5 soaps.
In theory I like your train of thought, but in practice I like to collect and display my shave gear not in a cluttered way but in an everything has its place kind of a way
Well, news to me - the idea of minimalist DOES apply to life but article seven, paragraph three in The Handbook for Life notes, "Whereas appearance is in keeping with a civilized society, any and all personal care items are hereby exempt from being counted against an individual when applying for the Minimalist Certification."

So there.:biggrin1:


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
I'm a minimalist, and generally only use one razor, soap, brush, ect.

But it took me years of experimentation, and thousands of dollars spent on shaving gear, before I could comfortably settle down and do it. That is the catch.
I am a minimalist at heart but the way I reconcile that with reality is to only use one soap, brush, etc. at a time.
I used the same Razor my Father gave me for 27 years until it finally broke down. Now I own two razors and two brushes (travel and home). I used MWF & Cella for years and still use them; pretty much the only things I used until recently...or should I say until I found this site (thanks B&B). Had a case of old Persona blades that got me through over 20 years in the service...Now I keep 3 types on hand. Never really cared to have a bathroom full of different products and I think any additional items I now use are because Wifey likes the smell on me.
Funny thing is, this site is really putting a damper on my minimalist ways...I don't foresee myself having hundreds of products, but it sure seems my shaving drawer in the bathroom is suddenly getting a touch tight lately .
My original plan when I got into DE shaving was to be a minimalist. Then I found this site and came down with all kinds of AD's:tongue_sm
I have collected quite a bit of hardware and consumable shave gear, but only the actual items in use are ever in sight.

If it is not being used, it is stored away.
I'm definitely a minimalist. I can't stand having 'stuff' and clutter stresses me out. I go for quality over quantity, so I don't mind spending $$$ on what I like.

I currently have:
2 razors (selling 1 soon)
1 brush
1 tub of QCS
1 Mike's shave stick (for travel)
2 QCS balms (1 for travel)
Assortment of blades

That's it. When I buy something new, I sell off the old. Now that I've tried a bunch of things, I pretty much know what I like and I've narrowed things down to my dream gear.
I think I took the minimalist approach when I first got into wet shaving, but that lasted exactly one day then the wheels fell off! :surrender:

I value and honor your minimalist mindset. Is it an April Fool's joke? Please consider owning the following:

Have 1 vintage razor and 1 modern new razor.
Have 1 soap, 1 croap, 1 cream, and 1 shave stick.
Have 1 boar brush and 1 Silvertip brush so they can both adequately dry out between shavings.
Have 1 aftershave and one balm.

Now let's get specific:

1 Gillette and 1 Weber.
1 C & S Oxford & Cambridge soap, 1 Razorock croap, 1 Nancy Boy Signature cream (or Castle Forbes Lime) and 1 Palmolive stick(or Speick).
1 Semogue boar and 1 Shavemac Silvertip
1 bottle of T & H 1805 and 1 bottle of Proraso balm.

Then you are ready for fountain pens.
After an initial flurry while I was working out what worked for me, I'm starting to pare down. I'm using two razors (both SS), one type of blade, and one brush (plus one travel brush). I have got five soaps and four creams on the go, but am likely to only replace my favourites so they'll drop off as I use stuff up.
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