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Method Shaving in 2009?

Gents, I admit that I was at first utterly put off by the concept of Method Shaving. The jargon, the special products, the skepticism voiced by many posters in Joel's sticky thread above.

Two things have changed my mind.

The first was the video posted at Shaving101 of Charles demonstrating the technique. Holy crap. Yes, the man speaks in his own inscrutable language, but in watching the video, I can't deny the efficacy of the technique or the products.

The second thing to change my mind was learning that a friend of mine who recently picked up DE shaving (without mentioning it for at least a month! :lol:) is using the hydrolast products, and finds them to do a very good job. This person is someone I know in meatspace (not just online - no offense, y'all), and I trust his judgment implicitly.

I haven't yet ordered any Hydrolast products, but I will for sure when I can spare the cash. I have already started using the cutting forms with my current shaving creams, and found that they really work.

Here's the question I have; I have read Joel's sticky above, which is 4 years out of date, and watched Mantic's method shaving videos, which are from 2007 (and thus about 2 years out of date. Is there anyone on B&B who has done a comprehensive writeup of the state of Method Shaving as it exists in 2009? I gather things change rapidly, and I'd like to see how someone (other than Charles Roberts) feels about the Method Shaving kit and techniques today.
The latest info I have seen online is shaving 101. Mantic shows how it is done with a brush. But lately Method shaving has been moving away from shaving brush and using the shaving cloth more. You can buy a starter set at the enchante site I think for 24 dollars still plus shipping? Well it comes with some paste, cloth, and a round. It doesn't include the cutting balm or activator, but its a start. Once you have the products, they do last depending how often you MS. The only thing I needed reorder more than anything is the paste. If you do try it, do with the shaving cloth. Its much cheaper and latest development in MS equipment.
I also seem to go through the paste faster than the other stuff. You have to order $200 to get free shipping, which is a bit high for me. I hate to order 1-2 items and pay shipping!
If you do try it, do with the shaving cloth. Its much cheaper and latest development in MS equipment.

The jury's still out on that one for me. Since I have a serviceable brush which - while not a shavemaster - has an appropriate shape for Method shaving, I may stick with it awhile yet. Brushing is for me one of the more enjoyable parts of the process.

As for the products, I'm fairly certain I can't cost-justify the cutting balm at the moment, but, I'll probably get paste/activator. A friend has generously offered to lend me one of his cube sections as well.
Cutting balm is one of the basics, while activator is not. Yes, its expensive, but it is one of the longest-lasting products in the line-up.
For a brush method you'll need activator to help moisten the mix. Watch mantic video.

For a cloth method you'll need cutting balm. Watch shaving101 video.
I also seem to go through the paste faster than the other stuff. You have to order $200 to get free shipping, which is a bit high for me. I hate to order 1-2 items and pay shipping!

+1 - I hate paying shipping on anything.

I'm still intrigued by the whole Method Shaving idea, but am doing fine without too. So it's just another thing I'll probably put on my list of possible things to do sometime...
I also seem to go through the paste faster than the other stuff. You have to order $200 to get free shipping, which is a bit high for me. I hate to order 1-2 items and pay shipping!

+1 - I hate paying shipping on anything.

I'm still intrigued by the whole Method Shaving idea, but am doing fine without too. So it's just another thing I'll probably put on my list of possible things to do sometime...

Yes, but I have to pay 8.25% sales tax when I walk in his shop. No free lunch I suppose.
I adapted several of the methods into my own system and it works for me. Shaving after a hot shower in the Evening has been the largest improvement. I liked my Remington Electric Shaver but I wanted to go old school and be more green at the same time.
The shaving patterns shown on this videos were helpful also. I started using Shave Secret as a pre shave before I lather my face and it works great. Like some others I like to do it cheaply as possible.
If you can, put in a phone call to Charles Roberts at his shop in Austin. You'll get an energetic and in depth review of all products and methods for method shaving.
I am new (~1month) to this true wetshaving and method realm, and realized that I have instinctively used basic forms for years unknowingly. Three passes (Horiz/Vert/Hook) on places on my face, now zones... I've shaved in the shower for years, but only recently took it to the sink with a DE...

I live in a suburb of Austin and intend to hit Roberts' shop someday, but for now the local Wal Mart, Target and Pipe World have what I need. I'm not at that level of dedication yet, but likely will be.

I see the validity in the method, and frankly, as we all know, good habits repeated become integral to our routines... that is what I see MS as.

It's not a religion as much as it is a series of pretty good habits melded in to a whole process, then supported with marketing of high end (albeit nice and apparently quite effective) unique products designed to perpetuate the uniqueness and exclusivity.

...of course, being a new guy, that is just a shiny new $.02 from me...
I am new (~1month) to this true wetshaving and method realm, and realized that I have instinctively used basic forms for years unknowingly. Three passes (Horiz/Vert/Hook) on places on my face, now zones... I've shaved in the shower for years, but only recently took it to the sink with a DE...

I live in a suburb of Austin and intend to hit Roberts' shop someday, but for now the local Wal Mart, Target and Pipe World have what I need. I'm not at that level of dedication yet, but likely will be.

I see the validity in the method, and frankly, as we all know, good habits repeated become integral to our routines... that is what I see MS as.

It's not a religion as much as it is a series of pretty good habits melded in to a whole process, then supported with marketing of high end (albeit nice and apparently quite effective) unique products designed to perpetuate the uniqueness and exclusivity.

...of course, being a new guy, that is just a shiny new $.02 from me...

It's a bit of a trip to Chas' shop (I'm in RR/Pflugerville as well) but well worth it. Be sure to also check out the shaving goods at Pipe World. They have a few decent items worth taking home. I think the VIP 10% applies as well.
CAR is more than passionate about his business. Many products have been changed, revamped, revisited, reworked and reinvented to what they are today. Most recent talk is to have a product removed from the line-up...Finishing Balm maybe? Or Activator?? I seriously can't recall which. But, it is found that another product can do 2 jobs.

The video on Shaving101 is the most up to date information, albeit by the owner.

There's plenty of negative talk about method shaving. Some truly don't like it. It is a learning experience with new and different products. Time consuming a little at first. There's those that talk down on it that have never tried it and the remaining haven't tried it in a long time.

That said, there are plenty of people that have tried it with good results. Seems as though the largest response is people don't MS regularly, but can attest it to being the closest shave they've ever experienced. I will agree.

The little $25 kit includes all you'll need. Try it. You'll enjoy it for sure. I have a lot of the products and MS about once every other week. I straight shave a lot and can't say it works the best for that. Often I will use CAR's products in conjunction with some other traditional products. You'll find your own mix. Charles is one of the best people to work with.
It seems to be a human tendency to look at new things with a skeptic's eye. Its easy to list reasons why one thinks something won't work w/o giving it a chance. Ofr folks who have tried MS, I have heard very few that did not like it.
A common complaint is that it takes too long or is too expensive. I buy neither as, with practice, I can do a MS as fast as usual, and the products are no more costly than other mid-range supplies.
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