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Messy Latherer?

I was doing my normal clean up routine after tossing on some witch hazel, washing out my brush and bowl. Wiping up some shaving cream that fell into the sink. Some that fell into my chest. Some that got onto my mirror. Some that got onto the wall. Some that got onto my shaving supplies next to the sink. Some that fell on the floor. Some on my shower curtian. Honestly I showhow covered virtually my entire bathroom in a mixture of Speick and VDH...

Am I alone in being a messy latherer of are there others out there with over ambitous brush stokes?
Chest, mirror, sink are all targets of my wrath so far. Haven't made it to the shower curtain or the neighbor's house yet like you. I'd guess as we get better, we'll get cleaner. Or we could end up like professional chefs who trash the kitchen and let the assistants clean up.
Calm down the stirring, man!

For me, if I get too enthusiastic in building a lather, the lather gets a lot of air whipped into it. I don't think this is a good thing.

Now I think of lathering as making an emulsion of water and soap or cream, so I mix the two together a lot more gently. Not only does it cut down on the mess, but it seems to make a better lather, too.
Try a 20mm knot.

It gets the lather on your face, not your ears......nose....sink......electrical outlets......

When I don't get my lather right and it's watery or light I get drips in the sink or on my chest. However, when it's right there are not drips or lather anywhere than on my face on in the bowl.
A lot of the mess comes not from the sitting but the application. Hopefully thicker lather will help reduce the mess.
I usually get lather on my chest. I just attribute it to my chest being so large and manly that it's gravitational pull intercepts the falling lather :p
I can't imagine it being that much of a problem unless your lather is very watery.

Sometimes on a long stroke a blob will fall off the razor and into the sink/my chest, but that's pretty much the limit. I use a boar brush and face lather, for whatever that's worth.
I bowl lather and don't get quite the same mess. Lately, though, it's been riding up the bowl and out onto my fingers. I do get it on my ear lobes while applying to my face. Sometimes I get in on my chest, too. My biggest mess comes from splashing water all over the place.
I get a little messy now and again. Worse incident was a big glob on Mrs 40c's hairbrush.

I put lather on the mirror once a month on purpose. Polish the mirror with a towel until the lather is gone. Now you have a free anti-fog mirror.

Try a 20mm knot.

It gets the lather on your face, not your ears......nose....sink......electrical outlets......


that is exactly what I did. Got my friend to make me a 20mm burlwood silvertip brush :biggrin:

Its a very neat way to face lather.
I occasionally get a lather drip when face lathering. That happens because there is a lot of water collected in the base of the knot, which leaks out when the brush is flexed. If I'm careful to make sure that water isn't there then no dripping happens.
I've found that I rapidly became more efficient with practice. My shaving towel also serves as my clean-up tool.
I'm a face latherer, but I don't let too much of the foamy goodness get away from me. On the other hand, I do tend to use lots of water and it does get all over the place. I keep a washcloth on a little hook by the sink to clean up after myself. Otherwise, the next person who leans on the vanity after I've been in there gets a nice wet line on his/her pants -- and of course I always get blamed! :innocent:
Happens to all of us. Its all part of the process, don't worry about it. Just enjoy the shave and clean up after. Its all part of your own time, so accept it and enjoy. Its a small price to pay. :001_rolle :wink: :tongue: :a21:
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