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Merry Christmas to me.broken razor!


Needs milk and a bidet!
Just when I was about to declare the Gillette Slim my favorite DE razor I own I throw it in the sink and break it!

At least my shave was over. I like to give my razor one good shake to throw excess water off.....never do it with wet fingers. Or just never do it in general. The thing slips out of my fingers slams against the sink and the doors go flying off making all kinds of racket and i can't do anything but just sigh and say aloud "well, that sucks". Lesson. Learned.

The damage: I can get the doors back on but they wont stay on. The bar in the middle that pulls the blade down is now crooked. I don't have the slightest clue how to fix this or even the tools to do it. Below are the pics. Do you folks think this is even worth fixing considering the availability of the Slim? Is this just a case of lesson learned and buy a new one? I was PIFed this razor by a fellow member and it saddens me I broke it!

The Pics: only device i have for picture taking is my phone...sorry they may seem crappy.

I am holding the razor straight and you can see the crookedness, this would be doors closed
$photo 1.jpg

side 1
$photo 2.jpg

side 2
$photo 3.jpg

this would be doors open
$photo 4.jpg

On a side note: I was able to build a fantastic lather with Cella and used a Polsilver stainless blade and must say i gave myself a DFS! As i was wrapping up the little touch up passes i was thinking "man what a fantastic shave! this is a great combo and may very well be my best razor" so at least i got a great shave in.

fixable or simply replace? considering cost to fix vs cost to replace....


Needs milk and a bidet!
didn't think about donating it for parts. good idea. I'm guessing since the metal is most likely bent it can't easily be fixed. or doing so would make it worse.
Terrible! Condolences.

Slims are my favorite, too. Keep your eyes open on the BST and get a couple. It's always good to have a spare or two.
Keep it for parts and get a new shiny one! Try WTB and I guarantee some fellow member will be glad to help you out.
Sorry for your loss, though!
Lmao well at least it isn't a "chink" post on a 150 year old straight razor. .. I've yet to do it myself but have seen an awful lot of post about smacking the blades of the sink or faucet doing what you were describing...

Whiping is alway the way to go
That's doesn't look too bad. It looks to me like the center bar is on a slant instead of being a square "T" shape. Put your thumb under the lower side and push up while bearing down with your index finger on the higher end. Push up & release and the check for even gap on both ends. You might have to do it a couple of times, and might overshoot, requiring you to turn the razor around and do it on the other end.

Cold setting metal does run the risk of breakage, but as it sits, the razor is useless, so it's really low risk on balance.

This is why I never spiked the football after scoring a touchdown back when I played ball because I knew it could carry over to instances later in my life. A good shave..... WHAM!! Touchdown!! Oops. (Silo doors fly off)

Find a good piece of fruit in the grocery store..... WHAM!! Touchdown!! (Splat) Bagboy: I'm sorry but you just bought that, sir."

Nurse: "mistercitizen, would you like to hold your brand new baby boy"..... WHAM!! Touchdown!! (Baby cries). Same thing could apply to pets, nieces, nephews, etc.

Seriously, that does stink. All I can say is that there are a ton of Slims for sale out on the bay and who knows how many hiding in the back of bathroom drawers.... get another one and get a backup. I know it doesn't seem like it.... but it will be okay.



Needs milk and a bidet!
That's doesn't look too bad. It looks to me like the center bar is on a slant instead of being a square "T" shape. Put your thumb under the lower side and push up while bearing down with your index finger on the higher end. Push up & release and the check for even gap on both ends. You might have to do it a couple of times, and might overshoot, requiring you to turn the razor around and do it on the other end.

Cold setting metal does run the risk of breakage, but as it sits, the razor is useless, so it's really low risk on balance.

that trick helped some, but the doors still wont stay on. 2013 will have to bring a new Slim my way.

one that i won't spike
Sorry to hear about your Slim Jason. I sure love mine. It was my first antique store find a long time ago. Actually since then I managed to acquire my birth year Slim as well so now my first (L4 1966) is just taking up space in my small shaving cupboard and is mostly being ignored. I'd be much obliged if you could provide a good home for it where it would see at least some action. It is missing most of the paint in the numbers but the plating is all good, it's nice and clean and the adjustments and movements seem in perfect order as far as I can tell. It's a great shaver of course. If you're interested please PM me your address and I'll get it in the mail as soon as postal service resumes here in Canada after Christmas. And yes, Merry Christmas to you!


Needs milk and a bidet!
Sorry to hear about your Slim Jason. I sure love mine. It was my first antique store find a long time ago. Actually since then I managed to acquire my birth year Slim as well so now my first (L4 1966) is just taking up space in my small shaving cupboard and is mostly being ignored. I'd be much obliged if you could provide a good home for it where it would see at least some action. It is missing most of the paint in the numbers but the plating is all good, it's nice and clean and the adjustments and movements seem in perfect order as far as I can tell. It's a great shaver of course. If you're interested please PM me your address and I'll get it in the mail as soon as postal service resumes here in Canada after Christmas. And yes, Merry Christmas to you!
what a true gentleman! Merry Christmas to you as well!
Sorry to hear about your Slim Jason. I sure love mine. It was my first antique store find a long time ago. Actually since then I managed to acquire my birth year Slim as well so now my first (L4 1966) is just taking up space in my small shaving cupboard and is mostly being ignored. I'd be much obliged if you could provide a good home for it where it would see at least some action. It is missing most of the paint in the numbers but the plating is all good, it's nice and clean and the adjustments and movements seem in perfect order as far as I can tell. It's a great shaver of course. If you're interested please PM me your address and I'll get it in the mail as soon as postal service resumes here in Canada after Christmas. And yes, Merry Christmas to you!

Well played, sir!
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