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Merkur HD Question


I've decided to jump into DE shaving, since I'm getting really tired of spending a gabillion dollars on the disposables. I've been using the brush and soaps for years and I just picked up a Merkur HD (I think it's the 34C) and used it last night. I didn't get a really close shave and I'm wondering if it's because of the lack of space between the blade and the safety bar.

Is there a way to adjust this to open the space and expose the blade more? I unscrewed the handle at the bottom (much like I was replacing the blade) and noticed there it was starting to open up as I unscrewed it..

Any help is appreciated!
Sounds more like it is the angle you are using and not the blade exposure. If the blade is not making full contact because you are not using the correct angle, you will feel like you are never getting a close shave. I had the same issue the first few shaves. I taught myself the correct angle by placing the razor on the back of my hand and being able to see the razor blade make contact. At a certain point it becomes second nature when you are shaving.

Also, what kind of blade are you using?
I have a Merkur HD as well, and I can assure you that the blade exposure is more than adequate to get a really close shave. You may just need to work on your grip angle and technique as previously mentioned.
Sounds more like it is the angle you are using and not the blade exposure. If the blade is not making full contact because you are not using the correct angle, you will feel like you are never getting a close shave.


The Merkur HD is plenty aggressive enough. Being only your first DE shave ever, it is 100% without a shadow of a doubt an issue with the blade angle. Just keep practicing, and you will get better.

Your first handful of shaves are not going to be anywhere near approaching a close shave. A DE razor requires skill, and it will take some time (a month or more) to fully learn how to properly use it.

Remember the Wet Shaver's Mantra: Go Slow. Proper Angle. No Pressure!
I doubt it's the razor fault.
U need to understand that DE shaving is not about a single pass shave,
it's about reduction and multi pass.
U won't get a close shave like you can have whit a Mach3 in a single DE shave pass.
And of course it might be the angle you hold the razor.
Keep going and you'll get it.
i have a merkur hd as well, and i can assure you that the blade exposure is more than adequate to get a really close shave. You may just need to work on your grip angle and technique as previously mentioned.

Awesome! Thanks, guys! I'll use the tip for the back of my hand..

In answer to Deftim's question, I'm using Merkur Super Platinum Coated (they came with the razor)..
In answer to Deftim's question, I'm using Merkur Super Platinum Coated (they came with the razor)..

That might be part of the problem as well.

Very few newbies have good luck with the Merkur blades, and even seasoned wet shaver's agree, that they are an average blade at best.

Far better blades are available, for far less money (in addition to being only an average blade, they are also hugely expensive at .50 per blade. Most blades are .10-.20 cents each, especially when bought in bulk).
That might be part of the problem as well.

Very few newbies have good luck with the Merkur blades, and even seasoned wet shaver's agree, that they are an average blade at best.

Far better blades are available, for far less money (in addition to being only an average blade, they are also hugely expensive at .50 per blade. Most blades are .10-.20 cents each, especially when bought in bulk).

Thanks, Michigan.. I've found a bunch of Shark blades and based on reviews here, they seem pretty sharp. I'll give those a shot.
I unscrewed the handle at the bottom (much like I was replacing the blade) and noticed there it was starting to open up as I unscrewed it..

Please don't do this and shave with it! Make sure the cap is on there tight, a loose blade can lead to some nasty cuts.
Please don't do this and shave with it! Make sure the cap is on there tight, a loose blade can lead to some nasty cuts.


If you desire to make it more aggressive (which I would avoid doing, at least until your shaving technique becomes more perfected), you can add a shim underneath the razor blade. The shim is easily made, by taking a DE blade, and using a sharp pair of scissors, or a pair of tin snips to shear the cutting edges off of the DE blade. Viola, instant shim.
Please don't do this and shave with it! Make sure the cap is on there tight, a loose blade can lead to some nasty cuts.

No worries, Zombasaur! I wouldn't have done it until I got the "all clear" from people here. The last thing I want to worry about is gashing my face open! :tongue_sm

gone down south

Better to get a sample pack of a variety of blades, it's quite surprising how differently each one performs and how differently each person's skin reacts to the same brand.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
It is also worth mentioning that, unlike a modern multibladed razor where most people tend to do just one pass and maybe a touch up, the Merkur will probably require several passes to get a really smooth shave (and it will be better than anything a modern razor can do, once you get your technique down.)

I do one pass with the growth of the hair, one across and one against. But each of us are slightly different. Don't use the razor like a disposable and mash it into your face to get a closer shave. Be gentle and reduce the hair a bit at a time.
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