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Merkur "1904" Is The Same Head As....?

I have a closed comb Merkur "1904" and I like how it shaves. I would like to see about a late 1930s Gillette fat handle tech, but ONLY if it is not much milder than the 1904. The Wiki on agressivness doesn't name the 1904, so I was wondering what other Merkur has the same head as the 1904.

A follow-up question. Those of you that have used a late 1930s fat handle tech AND a late 40s style Super Speed, could you give me your impression of aggressiveness between the two. I'm trying to find a relative reference point for aggressiveness that I am familiar with.
In my experience, the Tech is more mild / doesn't shave as close as than the 1904, if that helps. Again in my experience, the Tech is one of the mildest shavers out there.


The Merkur 1904/1906 (My go-to razor) head does shave more aggressively than the Gillette Tech. Of the Merkur's I shave with, the head on the 1904 is much the same as the head on the 33C, and seems to be the same head. How to differentiate between a SMALL degree of mildness/aggressiveness and a LARGE degree might be left up to you as the individual.

The absolute best way to find out what heads are like the 1904, is to contact Merkur and have them inform you. But yes, the Gillette Tech is a milder shaver than the Merkur 1904, and from my experience, is more than just a LITTLE milder. Your experience may tell you differently, as mildness and aggressiveness is relative to each individual user.
the 1904 is essentially the same head as a 34C (HD) except that it is nickel plated rather than chrome. The Tech is a much milder razor.
The 1904 (actually the 42N) is the same as the 33C (classic) but with a different handle and plating. They are both 3-piece razors. Medium mild shavers but certainly not as mild as a Tech.

The 34C is a 2-piece razor that has or has not the same geometry. The Wiki says they are different but there are discussions about the subject at B&B from time to time.
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