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Mergress / Progress head design question

I just got a Mergress and after experimenting, I realized what I think I like about it. Does the following make sense:

1) the head design really puts a lot of bend into the blade
2) the head design lacks slots to allow lather to escape as it glides over the skin
3) it has a narrow blade gap (I use it dialed all the way down), but the blade angle is average (not flat, so still feels more solid/aggressive than the mildest flatter angle razors)

The relatively severe bend in the blade seems to help increase smoothness, or blade stability / solid feeling, and allows for a lower handle angle (which just seems more stable to me). I have not encountered a razor that puts more bend into the blade than the Mergress/Progress - is there one?

#2 might seem like a flaw, since it makes clogging easier and you need to rinse the razor more frequently, but it seems to allow for easier blade buffing since it helps hold/spread lather and compliments the blade's steeper effective angle and solid feel, which when combined with the big blade bend, makes it really easy to gently clean up trouble spots.

On the mildest setting it can still get a quick smooth shave, in part because it can move relatively fast without risking much irritation or cuts (using red pack personna blades - smoothest I've found so far). The only thing I don't like is the blade loading alignment which requires a little attention to make sure it is loaded straight . . .

Are there any other really mild razors with as much or more blade bend - more than a Mergress on the mildest setting?

If I had to shave while half asleep, which sometimes happens, the Mergress on the mildest setting would be the default option (I have a DE89, an HD, and a slant also, but so far the Mergress edges them out for ease of use I think) . ..
Are there any other really mild razors with as much or more blade bend - more than a Mergress on the mildest setting?

Merkur Progress and Gillette Super Adjustable are very close in settings. If you like your progress you will like a super adjustable also
I have tried most of the vintage adjustables and none of them, or any other razor for that matter, have as dramatic blade bend as the Progress. I love the Progress for this reason as it makes the blade really stiff (kind of like an SE razor) and feels really smooth on the face. The bend also allows a much more natural angle position, unlike flatter blade heads where the handle is held much more perpendicular to the face.

My responses to your points:
1) the head design really puts a lot of bend into the blade: this is by far the biggest advantage of the Progress.
2) the head design lacks slots to allow lather to escape as it glides over the skin: I find the lather passes under the razor head instead of inside it. This allows me to shave an entire side of my face/neck before I have to rinse.
3) it has a narrow blade gap (I use it dialed all the way down), but the blade angle is average (not flat, so still feels more solid/aggressive than the mildest flatter angle razors): Again, I find this to be a great advantage. I set mine at 2.5 and get super comfortable and close shaves, day after day. Not sure what to recommend but may be to try more blades if you haven't already done so. I find the Indian Gillette blades are fantastic (i.e. black super platinum and green permasharp).
Agreed . . . it seems like minor details, but the Progress is a uniquely comfortable razor for a close as it shaves . .
I have a Mergress XL and love it. I've never dialed it up past 3 though. Always yields a great shave.
Sounds like I need to try a Progress now...grrreat.

Yes...yes you do. You will not regret it. It is so comfortable (at your optimal setting) and delivers a very close shave.
I have the long handle which I love. Not only the long handle being so ergonomic but the extra 15 grams over the short handle makes a huge difference for me. I bought both the long and short handle together a couple years ago and sold the short handle one to a friend within just one week, there was no comparison to the long handle for me.
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