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MdC Fougère available again

I recently received a shipment of MdC including some Fougere hand soaps. The Fougere shave soap was out of stock at the time of my order. If the hand soap is a fair example, the shave soap in Fougere ought to be a killer. So many fantastic soaps, so little beard.

Thanks for posting the heads up.
I love their shaving soap and after using a bar of their Fougere hand soap, I couldn't wait for the Fougere shaving soap to be back in stock. I ordered it today. It was $69, including shipping, which isn't bad since the price of the product alone is $60.
Excellent news if you ask me. I like this so much more than their original scent. Now what do I do with 2 Extra jars I have sitting at home?
This soap tops the list for me no questions asked. From the scent, to the performance, to the presentation of the soap, wow. I'm blown away at how good this stuff is! If you are on the fence I would urge you to go ahead and order. It takes so little soap to create a lather it's crazy. MDC also sent me a sample of their fougere bath soap and it is very nice as well.

Just got my order, the problem is I can hardly smell the scent from the jar, their bath soap definitely has a stronger scent than the shaving soap.
From reading the MDC website there are three shaving soaps, Scented, Un-scented and Fougere. Can some one please tell me what the difference is between the Scented and Fougere shaving soaps. Thanks for your reply!
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