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May 1st-Straight Razor Honing With Robert Wiliams****Updated****

So where in Minnesota is this Connectedcut place? Sounds like a fancy barbershop, but I just can't place it.

Would be nice to meet up with some folks here, but I'm hoping I'll be working that day. If not, it's a 4.5hr ride for me, so maybe.
I'll have to miss this one.

I will be in St. Louis attending the christening of grandchild no. 5 and the first communion of grandchild no. 1.

Have fun guys!
Well its only a few days off.

I have a JKS 10k stone anyone have an interest in trying it? On the Knife forums its replaced the other 10K as the favorite.
There is no information or link in this thread. Is this thing closed/full to participants, or is it still possible to get in? I assume this is in the NYC/CT area.

Anyone with any info?

Head count...That would be a good thing ah Jim....I think there will be a bunch of "oh I just thought I'd stop in" folks....
I have a JKS 10k stone anyone have an interest in trying it? On the Knife forums its replaced the other 10K as the favorite.

I'm interested in hearing about this stone in general. Has anyone else tried it? Perhaps another thread could be started for discussion of anyone's thoughts?

I won't be able to attend, but as a straight newb interested in learning how to maintain my own blades, and as someone who peruses Gentlemen's Best website alot (eyeing his GB Sig Series and the scale shop, haven't pulled the trigger yet, though), I very much wish I could. I wish you a great turn out, Ray! I hope everyone has a great time!

- Jason
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