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Can I start using a straight razor without a strop?

I just got my first straight razor, a Zwilling stainless steel. But currently dont have a strop, I ordered one yesterday and it wil probably be here next week but I want to shave now, I got it recently honed so its extremely sharp but I dont want to ruin it by not stroping after shaving.


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Seraphim posted a video in this thread.
If you are willing to spend a couple bucks, and have an old pair of jeans, you can make a pretty cheap strop that'll get you by.
I made this from a flat piece of MDF, old jeans, staples and some chromium oxide, available in a small stick from almost any hardware store.

Granted, you're going to change the edge slightly by adding the CrOx, but it will definitely help remove the burr and clean the edge up. You could forgo the CrOx, and the denim alone will help clean the edge up.

If you don't have a piece of MDF, you can also just lay some jeans on a flat, dry sharpening stone, and strop carefully, keeping the the angle consistent.

If you don't have old jeans, I just hope you have pants.


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stroping after shaving.
In everything I've seen written about using a SR, you strop before, not after shaving. Of course, stropping after shaving is also stropping before the next shave, but the one time I had a barber shave me (I was the "dummy" for a friend's shaving test.) he used the strop before the shave. Crede experto.
Yes, you want to strop, both before and after shaving.

Strop before shaving to straighten the edge and put a final polish on the bevel.

Strop after shaving on linen, to remove/clean the blade of soap, blood, skin, water and oxidation/rust. The edge will begin to rust immediately after shaving, the is very thin steel.

You want to strop on linen to clean and dry the bevel and edge, and importantly to prevent smearing all that smutch on what should be, your pristine leather strop.

You can strop on leather after the linen, post shaving to straighten the bevel and edge.

Stropping is way, way underrated. It can take a while to perfect your stropping technique, (get it to a point where you are continuously improving the edge with each lap.

As said you can strop on newspaper by folding the paper into a strip and looping over a towel bar or by stropping on your palm. Both methods are surprisingly very effective. But a hanging strop for most folks may be safer. Stropping does require all your attention to prevent nicking your strop. If you palm strop, you will focus your attention…

I often palm strop on my hand from the wrist to the end of my pinky, about 5 inches, more that enough milage to improve an edge in about 10 laps.

No, really it is not all that dangerous, just pay attention, stop, then flip, keep the spine on your hand and watch your pressure, all key advice, when stropping on linen and leather.

Folks will advise you to buy a cheap strop, as you will likely cut your strop. While you may cut your strop, a quality strop is as little as about $50, (Tony Miller, Heirloom Strops). But do buy a quality strop, even a nicked quality strop will improve a shaving edge. Tony sells replacement linen and leather for his strops.

Proper stropping on a clean stop can keep you shaving for a long time.
You could also try palm-stropping.
It sounds scary 😱, but it is completely safe.

There are some videos on YouTube, but when beginning don’t try to emulate the speed that some of the videos show. Nice and easy does it…

Yes, you want to strop, both before and after shaving.

Strop before shaving to straighten the edge and put a final polish on the bevel.

Strop after shaving on linen, to remove/clean the blade of soap, blood, skin, water and oxidation/rust. The edge will begin to rust immediately after shaving, the is very thin steel.

You want to strop on linen to clean and dry the bevel and edge, and importantly to prevent smearing all that smutch on what should be, your pristine leather strop.

You can strop on leather after the linen, post shaving to straighten the bevel and edge.

Stropping is way, way underrated. It can take a while to perfect your stropping technique, (get it to a point where you are continuously improving the edge with each lap.

As said you can strop on newspaper by folding the paper into a strip and looping over a towel bar or by stropping on your palm. Both methods are surprisingly very effective. But a hanging strop for most folks may be safer. Stropping does require all your attention to prevent nicking your strop. If you palm strop, you will focus your attention…

I often palm strop on my hand from the wrist to the end of my pinky, about 5 inches, more that enough milage to improve an edge in about 10 laps.

No, really it is not all that dangerous, just pay attention, stop, then flip, keep the spine on your hand and watch your pressure, all key advice, when stropping on linen and leather.

Folks will advise you to buy a cheap strop, as you will likely cut your strop. While you may cut your strop, a quality strop is as little as about $50, (Tony Miller, Heirloom Strops). But do buy a quality strop, even a nicked quality strop will improve a shaving edge. Tony sells replacement linen and leather for his strops.

Proper stropping on a clean stop can keep you shaving for a long time.
I will just have one shave and the its been stropped and honed just before they shipped it to me. I have asked the same question to the place I got it and they said its been already stropped so you can shave but clean the edge, I will shave tomorrow and just going to clean the edge with a cotton pad. I have order a Herold Solingen strop for 50 euro but I realized now that it only has russian leather and not linen side. I wanted it because its big strop so I dont have to make the X pattern.


Staff member
I will just have one shave and the its been stropped and honed just before they shipped it to me. I have asked the same question to the place I got it and they said its been already stropped so you can shave but clean the edge, I will shave tomorrow and just going to clean the edge with a cotton pad. I have order a Herold Solingen strop for 50 euro but I realized now that it only has russian leather and not linen side. I wanted it because its big strop so I dont have to make the X pattern.
The X pattern is good and correct technique. My strop is 3” wide, but I still do the X on it.
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