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Matte finish shoe polish

Is there a shoe polish (probably not the right term) which will provide a matte black finish. I bought a air of AE wing tips and the finish on them was dull and had a matte look to it. They looked like they needed a polish, I ignored them and wore them. After 6 months or so they are scuffed a little bit but I have grown to like the matte finish look.
How matte are we talking? If you apply only a single coat of black polish and don't spend too much time buffing it certainly won't be shiny.
They are pretty dull. I am concerned if I try a single coat but don't rub the shoes to a shine the polish will transfer to anything that rubs up against them.
Can you link or snap a couple pics so we can get a better idea what it is....btw I have no answers but hopefully the pics and or link will b able to get a few others to chime in
Look into cream polishes instead of your traditional wax polish (e.g. Kiwi in a tin). That's pretty much what you're looking for. It will give a slight shine but not like wax, while at the same time filling in scuffs and conditioning the leather. I recommend Saphir's Pommadier, a little pricey but some of the best you can find. If you've got $300 shoes, you can afford $20 polish:

Oh! My DI in Marine Corps OCS is probably rolling over in his grave at this! Of course I hope he is alive and enjoying life; just wanted him to pass on during training ;^)

A well dressed man in my opinion wears polished shoes. There are some chucka boots I have with a rough finish, but I put polish on my shoe of choice each day before I go out.

Semper Fi Oorah!
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They have a little shine but are not polished


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Yeah that's why the first sentence of the original post has "polish (probably not the right term)". If I knew what I was looking for I would have typed it google rather than ask here.
I think the shoe cream suggestion was a good one. Also just use a conditioner like Saphir Renovatuer or Allen Edmonds Cleaner/Conditioner.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu

I have a pair of these and used cream. They are even less shinny now. I suspect that you'll be fine with cream if the shoes started off with that soft finish matte look. These don't even look polished to me when I finish, but I only wear them with jeans so I'm OK with that.
I have a pair of these and used cream. They are even less shinny now. I suspect that you'll be fine with cream if the shoes started off with that soft finish matte look. These don't even look polished to me when I finish, but I only wear them with jeans so I'm OK with that.

Did you brush them off afterwards? Unless it's some lower-end cream polish every one I've used has given it some kind of slight luster. All cream polish and wax is sort of like the wax you use on a car: You apply it, let it dry to a haze, and then brush/wipe it off to a shine. How much shine you get depends on the polish used and how much you buff it. The suggestion to just use a conditioner like Saphir Renovator is ok, however that won't fill in any scuffs or scratches in the shoe. Pigmented cream polish will blend most blemishes in.
It's kind of like asking which is better to make ice ... a kettle or a microwave.

Why not embrace the glory of a well-polished shoe?

NEVER! I think that some shoes actually have some extra character when not polished to a shine, but its for more casual wear, anything with a suit though needs a well-polished shoe. So i guess not really never, just sometimes :lol::lol:


B&B Tease-in-Residence
It does not have to be a high military spit shine, but a normal sine will do wonders. I am with you on not doing a high gloss, but you do have to have some shine going on there.
I have those some shoes. I think they are called Regent Street. Try as you may, then will not become "shiny." BTW, I have 30 years of shoe shining experience, starting with the US Army.

Use whatever quality shoe polish you have. If you are skeptical, just try it on a small part of the shoe.
Matte black. Sounds like hipster stuff like matte black cars, matte black motorcycles, matte black or gray fixie bicycles, on and on.
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