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Marvicide Manufacturers, what do THEY know??

My barber gives me some Marvicide, enough for a quart or 2 of proper solution. He advises he recalled it may stain resin handles. Hmmmm, wonder what the factory has to say about that? A call to St. Paul gets me some guy on the phone who tells me it ain't a good idea at all to use his product on a shave brush; I did it anyhow.
A 10 minute soak of the hairs, keeping the handle out of the mix. I guess if it goes to hell, I'll remember to pay attention to the folks who make stuff. I'm figuring though the collective wisdom here is a more informed source. All seems fine right now, but of course it is still drying.

One question...I used kitchen utensils (stainless steel measuring spoons and pyrex measuring cup) to concoct this stuff. Both were thoroughly washed in dish detergent and hot water before entering the dishwasher. I'm presuming these items will be OK to use in the kitchen again., correct??
The stuff is a disinfectant so it should be fine to use anything as long as you rinse/clean it well after you are done

I use pyrex lab ware to measure.

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