do not use everclear...invest in a quart of perfumers alcohol ,good oils come from and the best attar oils are from drop of vegetable glycerin can be added...
Hoyt's German Cologne: Oil Bergamot 1 oz, Oil Lemon 1 oz, Oil Neroli 1/2oz, Oil Santal wood 1/2oz., Camphor 20 grains, 7 pints Cologne spirit, Rose water 1 pint, Mix and let stand a month, then filter.
From: Fenner's Complete Formulary 1888. An aspirin is 5 grains, so you would need four times that weight of camphor. Santal I take to be sandlewood.
I've never made this and I'll tell you why, I think it's cheaper to buy a bottle of Hoyt's! (which is actually very respectable stuff).
By the way, when they say cologne spirit above, it just means some kind of "high proof" alcohol without an odor of its own. I've never worked with perfumer's alcohol, but I'm sure it would probably be better. In a pinch I guess you could use Everclear or 80 proof vodka.
Again, you only save money if you can produce this stuff in volume, and then are you really going to use all this volume of one fragrance? For instance, a bottle of Hoyt's is $9.95 at And this is decent juice, you just can't make it for that.