I like to experiment (as some may have noticed).
I had a two day growth this morning and also needed to shave my head. Started shaving the noggin' with the DE but for some reason the blade was clogging - probably a bit dull. Went for speed and used a new M3 cart to finish and then, because I was all lathered up and no where else to go, did a three pass + with the M3 on my face. I completed the shave, washed my face and was appalled that the shave was not nearly what I had been getting. My neck was barely CCS. So... for a fourth pass, I used a 'Western Kami' and did an ATG (and a Dervish twister on my neck hair). Washed again. Still some touch up - tried to use the M3 and it wouldn't take it where I wanted to go so used the DE to get the corners of my mouth and a couple of places on the back of the neck. Checked again... Chin was still spikey so I stropped the straight and finished with that. BBS all around with no nicks.
Conclusion (this only applies to me - YMMV), the M3 is cool for quick shaves but I doubt I could get DFS on my face and I would have 5 O'clock shadow for sure. The DE (a Red Tip with a Feather) gave a much closer shave but was also weak on ATG and required multiple passes - however, I did use it to finish up my head where the M3 left stubble. The straight only had to finish up the face shave but it did a wonderful job and I have a 24 hour shave for sure.
For as much sawing as I was doing on my face, I expected it to be raw but the M3 is noted for being nice to the face and the fourth and touch up passes with the DE and straight were quite easy because the M3 had taken off most of the fur. A result was a very comfortable BBS. I use pure alcohol with about 5 percent Clubman Pinaud as a splash after a shave - it tells me if I was too aggressive. I wasn't. Nice fresh feeling with some invigorating tingling. Tabac to finish and I'm in shaving heaven.
I had a two day growth this morning and also needed to shave my head. Started shaving the noggin' with the DE but for some reason the blade was clogging - probably a bit dull. Went for speed and used a new M3 cart to finish and then, because I was all lathered up and no where else to go, did a three pass + with the M3 on my face. I completed the shave, washed my face and was appalled that the shave was not nearly what I had been getting. My neck was barely CCS. So... for a fourth pass, I used a 'Western Kami' and did an ATG (and a Dervish twister on my neck hair). Washed again. Still some touch up - tried to use the M3 and it wouldn't take it where I wanted to go so used the DE to get the corners of my mouth and a couple of places on the back of the neck. Checked again... Chin was still spikey so I stropped the straight and finished with that. BBS all around with no nicks.
Conclusion (this only applies to me - YMMV), the M3 is cool for quick shaves but I doubt I could get DFS on my face and I would have 5 O'clock shadow for sure. The DE (a Red Tip with a Feather) gave a much closer shave but was also weak on ATG and required multiple passes - however, I did use it to finish up my head where the M3 left stubble. The straight only had to finish up the face shave but it did a wonderful job and I have a 24 hour shave for sure.
For as much sawing as I was doing on my face, I expected it to be raw but the M3 is noted for being nice to the face and the fourth and touch up passes with the DE and straight were quite easy because the M3 had taken off most of the fur. A result was a very comfortable BBS. I use pure alcohol with about 5 percent Clubman Pinaud as a splash after a shave - it tells me if I was too aggressive. I wasn't. Nice fresh feeling with some invigorating tingling. Tabac to finish and I'm in shaving heaven.