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Love my Bullet tip GEM Micromatic

Couple of months ago, I was PIFFED a Bullet tip GEM Micromatic SE razor with a few blades to try. I find myself more and more defaulting to it as my favorite razor, over an injector and DE razors. I recently acquired 100 GEM PTFE blades off eBay, and use one last night in it. BBS shave (something I normally cannot achieve in a DE).

Anyone else have a similar experience with theirs?
I haven't found the love for the Gems yet, but I think it is because I need some of the PTFE blades. I really want to use my SE's because I have some pretty cool ones (Damaskeene and others).

Sounds like you have your MM dialed in so congrats on that.

Shave away and enjoy.
I had the same experience as you did a long time ago. It wasn't a great experience with just the Flying Wing but with almost every SE razor ever made! There is a whole world of SE shaving to explore you are on the right track. Once you go single you never go double edge. :wink2:
I haven't found the love for the Gems yet, but I think it is because I need some of the PTFE blades. I really want to use my SE's because I have some pretty cool ones (Damaskeene and others).

Sounds like you have your MM dialed in so congrats on that.

Shave away and enjoy.
Blade exchange a couple. eBay and tryablade . Com can help as well. Also Ted pella has blades.
I had the same experience as you did a long time ago. It wasn't a great experience with just the Flying Wing but with almost every SE razor ever made! There is a whole world of SE shaving to explore you are on the right track. Once you go single you never go double edge. :wink2:
Wish the SE world was larger, but grateful to be a part of it.
I have a 1912, a Micromatic, and a G-Bar, and like all three as long as you have a good blade and have the correct razor angle to the face...great shaves are to be had.
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