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Lots of Samples on their Way

So, I finally pulled the trigger and ordered some sample shaving creams. I have a few creams/soaps that I am not super excited about, so I made a vow to go with samples until I find some stuff I really like.

So I found the Shave Den's Sample Pack and got some of the classics that people always talk about - here is my list:
Choose #1 - Godrej Original
Choose #2 - Musgo Real
Choose #3 - Speick
Choose #4 - Nancy Boy Signature
Choose #5 - Trumper Coconut
Choose #6 - Santa Maria Novella

Then I have been thinking about some Vetiver cream, and they offer samples of their own Vetiver - then I followed some one elses recommendations and picked up a few more:
Lemon & Cedarwood
Mayan Gold

Pretty stoked. Bull Goose shaving gave me some samples of the Salter Products, and I liked the cream, but lime and rose just aren't what I want to smell in the morning - I have found out. I also tried some 1 oz. tubs from The Gentleman's Quarter - and had a brief and strange love/hate relationship with Desert Ironwood.
Please explain your breif love/hate relationship with TGQ creams - I'm considering picking up a few samples of these soon.
I think you should try some of the other Salter scents. In my experience they are some of the most decadent scents available. You might like the Fresh Mint, or the Sandalwood.
I think you should try some of the other Salter scents. In my experience they are some of the most decadent scents available. You might like the Fresh Mint, or the Sandalwood.

I have been trying to get my hands on some samples of those, and was planning on getting one through The Shave Den, but the Indian Sandlewood was out of stock yesterday. Totally lame. Yeah - I want to try the Salter Sandlewood, Mint and Vetiver. I realized with the lime that I just don't like the smell of warm limes. They are better cold - in my mojito.
Please explain your breif love/hate relationship with TGQ creams - I'm considering picking up a few samples of these soon.

The love hate was more related to the Desert Ironwood. It is an amazingly complex fragrance. It reminded me of my grandpa - and at first I didn't like the fragrance, but I really began to enjoy the fragrance. I also used the Savon de Champagne and felt like the lavender was a bit irritating to my skin.

My other observations of the Gentleman's Quarter Creams are really compared to TOBS rose and Salter Creams. It seemed to take two or three times as much cream to get a lather as thick as I like it from TGQ creams vs. the classic British creams. So the price per shave was a bit high compared to Salter or TOBS or Trumper. Really liked the shave of the Desert Ironwood good slickness/cushion - got some nice shaves, but not so much with the Savon de Champagne because of the irritation.
The love hate was more related to the Desert Ironwood. It is an amazingly complex fragrance. It reminded me of my grandpa - and at first I didn't like the fragrance, but I really began to enjoy the fragrance. I also used the Savon de Champagne and felt like the lavender was a bit irritating to my skin.

My other observations of the Gentleman's Quarter Creams are really compared to TOBS rose and Salter Creams. It seemed to take two or three times as much cream to get a lather as thick as I like it from TGQ creams vs. the classic British creams. So the price per shave was a bit high compared to Salter or TOBS or Trumper. Really liked the shave of the Desert Ironwood good slickness/cushion - got some nice shaves, but not so much with the Savon de Champagne because of the irritation.

Thanks for clarifying. I'm dying to try to the Bay Rum with Sweet Orange and the Orange Patchouli. :001_smile
Thanks for clarifying. I'm dying to try to the Bay Rum with Sweet Orange and the Orange Patchouli. :001_smile

The scents are phenomenal - natural and strong. I recommend giving it a shot. I like the one ounce size a lot - gives you a couple of weeks to try it out, get your water/cream proportions right to better evaluate the cream.
The scents are phenomenal - natural and strong. I recommend giving it a shot. I like the one ounce size a lot - gives you a couple of weeks to try it out, get your water/cream proportions right to better evaluate the cream.

Couldn't agree with you more regarding sample size - you have convinced me to pull the trigger :biggrin:
I should try one of these sample packs. any ideas how small the sample containers are? I guess i'm hesitant because I don't want to have a dozen or so smaller containers laying around. I have a finite amount of space in the shave cave and I don't want to add to the clutter
The samples are about a quarter of an ounce - so pretty small. My thought is to use each one till it is done. Then when I am done, I will be able to pass a sample along to another shaver of the creams that I get a whole tub of using the smaller containers.
The samples are about a quarter of an ounce - so pretty small. My thought is to use each one till it is done. Then when I am done, I will be able to pass a sample along to another shaver of the creams that I get a whole tub of using the smaller containers.

My understanding is that they are .25 of an ounce. It should be enough for 3-4+ shaves. :tongue_sm
Thanks for clarifying. I'm dying to try to the Bay Rum with Sweet Orange and the Orange Patchouli. :001_smile

You won't regret it I use the bay rum and sweet orange both winter and summer. The desert ironwood is an all time favorite of mine but I only use it in the winter. I use them in both the soaps and creams and sometimes as a super lather with both.
First, I appologize for being a newb :p

Where do you buy samples?

I started using a DE last year, and now I'm ready to start exploring different soaps and creams. I have no idea what I will like. I live in a small town, so I can't go smell things. I have to order online.

So far I have used two of Mama Bear's soaps, some old spice lime cream (used it up), and now a Tom's of Maine cream. I use both cream and soap and mix in an oversize coffee/tea mug. I'd like something that has some scent to it. I used to like the smell more when I used the lime cream with the Mama Bear soap. Now that I have the ToM cream, it's kind of bland smelling.

First, I appologize for being a newb :p

Where do you buy samples?

I started using a DE last year, and now I'm ready to start exploring different soaps and creams. I have no idea what I will like. I live in a small town, so I can't go smell things. I have to order online.

So far I have used two of Mama Bear's soaps, some old spice lime cream (used it up), and now a Tom's of Maine cream. I use both cream and soap and mix in an oversize coffee/tea mug. I'd like something that has some scent to it. I used to like the smell more when I used the lime cream with the Mama Bear soap. Now that I have the ToM cream, it's kind of bland smelling.



That is for a single sample - they also offer a six pack (which is what I bought) for a slightly reduced price:

Also there are other threads on samples (the search function is very helpful for newbies :biggrin:). You can get samples from Truefit and Hill, and Trumpers if you just want to test out their stuff, directly from their website. Also Shaving Essentials offers a sampling of all of the Taylor's creams:
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