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Lose Five Pounds of FAT With Us This Month!

I managed to get to 211 by St. Pats. I took two days off and weighed in at 213 this morning, but weight fluctuates. My clothes are fitting better and I can now wear my shirts and pants without straining them. In fact, I'm hoping the weather changes soon because I can remove my pants without undoing my belt and I want to just have to buy shorts and now shorts and pants. :D

I drank a massive amount on St. Pat's and only ended up eating breakfast. Not a good idea, but I had my friends there to take care of me. Before I lost track I was 4 shots of jameson and 5 shots of Turkey. This was by 4:00. :D I was told I was still mostly on my feet by midnight. But, for my St. Pat's resolution I'm cutting back on liquid calories and I quit smoking cold turkey. I've done it before and found that it wasn't hard so I figure I can do it again. I finally want to quit.
209 This morning.

I gave my friends some motivation to help me along the way. I said when I hit 170 I'm going to get my first tattoo and they can watch me suffer through it. I hate needles.
I haven't hopped back on the scale yet, but went in a notch on my belt and jeans that didn't fit now do again!
After being sick I gained the two pounds that I had lost! Good news is that I had a great workout today.

I got sick around April of last year and could barely even eat anything. When I could, it was chicken broth and rice. I ended up losing over 15lbs in two weeks. I wanted to die.

Down to 206 this morning. Been adding in more weight lifting to my routine. Made some oxtail soup for a nice weight lifting day fuel.
I'm only a pound or two down on the month. I had thought I'd been slacking, but being more strict had no real effect. Seems my weight is pretty stable for my current regime.
I'm doing a bit more cardio though (up from 45 mins to 1hr) so fitness is improving.
TBH fat loss isn't my priority, it would have just been nice.
Hope everyone else is doing well.
I actually had to go buy jeans Saturday evening before I went out. My jeans were falling down even with a belt. Ended up buying a pair of 32's. All my others are 36's.
I actually had to go buy jeans Saturday evening before I went out. My jeans were falling down even with a belt. Ended up buying a pair of 32's. All my others are 36's.

36 to 32!?!?! Nice job! That is huge, congrats! I can put my 33's on again no problem and the 34's seem really loose now. Figures I just bought a couple pair of 34's not long ago thinking I really wouldn't lose enough weight to make a real difference.
36 to 32!?!?! Nice job! That is huge, congrats! I can put my 33's on again no problem and the 34's seem really loose now. Figures I just bought a couple pair of 34's not long ago thinking I really wouldn't lose enough weight to make a real difference.

Thanks. I'm halfway to my goal. lost 35lbs so far and got 35 more to go.
Thanks. I'm halfway to my goal. lost 35lbs so far and got 35 more to go.

You're at a 32 waist and you still need to lose 35 lbs more?! Are you shooting for wearing 29 waist jeans? I'm down 15 from where I was. I'd probably like to lose another 10-15. Not really sure. I go more by how I feel....and how things fit too of course!
Way to go, guys! I think I somehow gained 5lbs of fat this month. I blame the extended Winter season that we've been experiencing :mad3: Getting really impatient for nice bike riding weather.
Way to go, guys! I think I somehow gained 5lbs of fat this month. I blame the extended Winter season that we've been experiencing :mad3: Getting really impatient for nice bike riding weather.

A calorie tracker app has been the most invaluable thing I've found to date.
Great work everyone!

My update: I lost three pounds then gained back during the third week of the month. Today I am down two pounds.

Make your updates people!

Tomorrow April 1st is a new start with the new goal of losing five pounds of fat by the end of April!
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April is a chance for a new beginning! Reset your goals and begin a fresh start of losing five pounds of fat by the end of this month.

wife is pregnant and on an eating rampage! I somehow :glare: Gained a few pounds of fat and want to lose five pounds this month. Who is with me?

The only "rules" are that the fat has to be lost through eating healthy and exercise.

This is my plan: Make a list of all the things i can do to lose fat. On another sheet of paper organize the list from the easiest to most difficult. Begin with the easiest ones.

1. Weigh self every morning after waking up and measure waist weekly.
2. I won't drink calories.
3. Exercise daily for twenty minutes.
4. Count calories (phone apps are great).
5. Record everything to track progress (spreadsheet).

It is important to have a goal and a plan. Please share how you plan to lose five pounds of fat by the end if this month?

the pic might a bit over the top :)
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Haven't posted since march 3.
I'm down 4 more pounds this month.
Weighing in at 190.
I'm 24 pounds lost about 10 pounds more to go.
Wait loss slowing.......
Chocolate bunnies. Calling out.........
They say eat me eat me ..........
Must be strong resist temptation.......
Happy Easter ya'll
Down just 1.3 pounds. But my belt is a bit looser. (Was already 8 inches smaller than the biggest notch I used way back.)
I'll have another go this month and come up with a plan.
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