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Looking for something that was in the BST.jelly puck(

Alright guys I remember seeing something in the the BST (or hobbyist / vendor)
Anyway it was a jelly puck used for wiping the lather off your straight razor.
I know at least one person had a question about it in the OP thread but can't remember who.
The guy that was selling them was in Poland (maybe ?)
Anyone remember who posted it?
That would be it!
Poland :001_rolle..... At least it started with a "P".. I was pretty close, I was only like 3-4 Countries off..:laugh:

Antique Hoosier

BB.... I consider something like this for my personal use but I have been using the large "Chimensch" sponge for awhile now and decided to stick to that...
I've seen a local forum here in Portugal where several people got one of those - if I find out where they can be bought locally, I can always try to get you one...
I happen to stop and check out one of those new / old school barber shops. You know, the young guys that are tatted up.
Anyway, we got to talking about straight in general and that type of bowl was brought up. I guess it was something they had learned about or saw in a manual or something.
I told I had saw them for sale and would try to get them a couple... I emailed PMed the guy to see if he still had anything.

Thanks again for the link
Royal Shave sells them for $10 - search for drip bowl. I find a sponge or wash cloth to work better.
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