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Looking for something new. Cadet? Fatip? Other?

I've been shaving with a DE for a couple years now. Currently have a Merkur barber pole, which I like pretty well, particularly the size/weight. (I also have a Gillette Tech of unknown vintage that I dislike for size, weight, and mildness). I'm thinking I'd like to pick up another razor of some sort, preferably a little more aggressive.

I'm currently looking at the Fatip Grande and Cadet Robusto, which seem to be more aggressive and good sized razors. Anything to recommend one over the other? Anything else I should be looking at? I don't want to get stupid expensive.
You ought to give an SE a try if you really want something different and aggressive. They are not as hard to use as they are sometimes made out to be. An Ever-Ready 1924 would be a good one to try that isn't super aggressive and is cheap to get a hold of.
I own both the Fatip Grande and the Cadet Robusto. I find the Robusto to be quite a smooth shaver with a nice heft and balance. The finish on my Robusto is better then the Fatip. The Fatip is also a good razor though out of the two I like the Robusto more.
You can also take a look at the 2013 version of the Muhle R41. It is toned down from the 2011 version, but provides a fantastic shave. They can be had reasonably from Connaught.

I like my Fatip, but don't use it as much as I should. I dont have any experience with the Cadet.
I've been shaving with a DE for a couple years now. Currently have a Merkur barber pole, which I like pretty well, particularly the size/weight. (I also have a Gillette Tech of unknown vintage that I dislike for size, weight, and mildness). I'm thinking I'd like to pick up another razor of some sort, preferably a little more aggressive.

I'm currently looking at the Fatip Grande and Cadet Robusto, which seem to be more aggressive and good sized razors. Anything to recommend one over the other? Anything else I should be looking at? I don't want to get stupid expensive.

Fatip Grande would be a good choice.

With your preference for more on the size and weight spectrum, i would advise considering a Futur.
If you like your barber pole get a 39c barber pole slant head.

You will thank me eternally if you do :001_smile
I just received my Razorock Little Bastone a few days ago. I'm very impressed with this razor. For the money this has to be the best value going right now, bar none. Do yourself a favor and get an open comb RR/Cadet/Pearl. Trust me. I'm ordering a couple more because this one has cured my RAD for modern razors.

I have a Merkur 37C and a Muhle R41 and this razor is more effective than the slant without the harshness of the 2011 R41. It also has better feedback than the 37C.

Yesterday's shave was DFS in one pass with the RRLB. Even with the R41 it doesn't get any better but it's not as smooth.
I just went and bought a Cobra Classic. A used one but seems to be in good nick. Cant wait to try it out. I just thought I'd try something a little different.
I use my Cadet Sante Fe TTO-11 more than my Fatip Grande. I've never tried using the Fatip with it's own handle though, always used Parker handles for better balance.
I just went and bought a Cobra Classic. A used one but seems to be in good nick. Cant wait to try it out. I just thought I'd try something a little different.
I have a Cobra and an R41. Maybe the 2013 R41 is smoother, but the Cobra has it all over my 2011 R41 in my view. Both are aggressive, but the Cobra is smooth. Be sure to try it with the Feather blades and the Kai Milds. Its a unique and superior razor. Hope you like it.
So I ended up with a Cadet and an R41 of BST (Both showed up within about 12 hours). I think I like both, although I only have about 2 shaves in with each.

The Cadet seems a little smoother than the R41, and while it gives a close shave, the r41 is closer.

The first shave with the R41 was kind of like this


But I'll be darned if it wasn't the closest shave I've ever had with any device, period. After 12 hours, I was stimoother than freshly shaved with my other razors.

The second shave was pretty close, but not quite as close as the first. This beast will take some practice, but it is quickly becoming my favorite razor.
The only major gripe that I have is that the handle is pretty slippery. It just seems like the checkering isn't cut very deep. I guess I'll just have to be more careful.
I'm an R41 fan, too, but if ever a razor cried out for an aftermarket handle... fortunately I had a heavier, stainless handle on hand already and barely used the R41 without it.
I didn't have the sanguinary results you describe either; however, as far as "favorite razor" goes, I find I get a lot of irritation if I use it a few days in a row. I don't have the touch with it that keeps my neck, in particular, both closely shaved comfortable and bump-free.

The R41, to me, really shines with a two-day growth.
Re the slippery handle, I keep a towel on the sink and dab off any water and soap that gets on me or the handle. Quick and easy
I gotta say.... I think I prefer the Cadet OC a little more than the Fatip. It's a nice aggressive shaver, but a smoother shaver IMO. Price points are about the same on both.... the Cadet a little cheaper I guess. I think that the finish on the Cadet is a little better too. I like using it with my UFO Kaiser Short handle. I pretty much keep my Cadet OC head parked on the UFO and I don't use the Cadet handle much at all.... even though it's not too bad looking either.

I gotta say.... I think I prefer the Cadet OC a little more than the Fatip. It's a nice aggressive shaver, but a smoother shaver IMO. Price points are about the same on both.... the Cadet a little cheaper I guess. I think that the finish on the Cadet is a little better too. I like using it with my UFO Kaiser Short handle. I pretty much keep my Cadet OC head parked on the UFO and I don't use the Cadet handle much at all.... even though it's not too bad looking either.


I really like the Cadet. It was 25 bucks well spent.
I'm an R41 fan, too, but if ever a razor cried out for an aftermarket handle... fortunately I had a heavier, stainless handle on hand already and barely used the R41 without it.
I didn't have the sanguinary results you describe either; however, as far as "favorite razor" goes, I find I get a lot of irritation if I use it a few days in a row. I don't have the touch with it that keeps my neck, in particular, both closely shaved comfortable and bump-free.

The R41, to me, really shines with a two-day growth.

Do pretty much all the aftermarket handles fit? Seems like a Weber handle would be a worthy upgrade.
I've used (all three) Weber handles, a Tradere handle, and a GS1 handle. They all fit the R41.
Weber Bulldog is "the one" for me, but all of those were excellent. I'm sure the ATT and iKon handles would fit it just fine, too, judging by how they all fit the same other razors anyway.

The original R41 handle was really feather-light, in addition to whatever grip issues people find. I don't know if the Muhle "Grande" is any better in relevant ways.
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