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Looking for Safety Razor Guidance

Hi all -

Was more active here several years back but almost exclusively regarding straight razors. I have some good razors, soaps, after shaves, brushes, etc., BUT, I have never had/used a safety razor. I have looked around the forums, but hoping for some help.

Due to some personal changes, my skin has become extremely sensitive and straight razor shaving has become a challenge, also for a personal reason I would prefer not to discuss. I am a straight razor person, but my hands and face have asked for a change.

My understanding is that a safety razor is the most "foolproof" and easy on the skin/user. As such, looking for guidance.
Not concerned about budget, as I am guessing the Fila's and other vintage stuff I have was a bigger wallet hit.

To the point:

- Recommended Safety Razors with ease of use and durability at top of mind?

- Recommended blades with ease on the face as the main driver?

Thank you in advance for your help.
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I can heartily recommend the SE Leaf Twig. Very easy to use, find the angle and it’s easy on sensitive skin yet can be “tuned” by blade choice. The small head allows for reaching tight spots with ease. A simple no drama shave.

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
Hi all -

Was more active here several years back but almost exclusively regarding straight razors. I have some good razors, soaps, after shaves, brushes, etc., BUT, I have never had/used a safety razor. I have looked around the forums, but hoping for some help.

Due to some personal changes, my skin has become extremely sensitive and straight razor shaving has become a challenge, also for a personal reason I would prefer not to discuss. I am a straight razor person, but my hands and face have asked for a change.

My understanding is that a safety razor is the most "foolproof" and easy on the skin/user. As such, looking for guidance.
Not concerned about budget, as I am guessing the Fila's and other vintage stuff I have was a bigger wallet hit.

To the point:

- Recommended Safety Razors with ease of use and durability at top of mind?
------- Why single edge or double edge?
- Recommended blades with ease on the face as the main driver?

Thank you in advance for your help.
My best recommendation for this is the Karve Overlander. It’s the one razor that I can buff to excess with and it never irritates my skin. It’s also surprisingly efficient. The Lambda Athena is very, very close in comfort for me and is more efficient. You might get recommendations for the Henson Mild, which is a great razor, but I get a strong suction effect with it that makes it harder on my skin than it is for many.

Blades are more difficult to recommend because everyone seems to experience them differently. I get along best with sharp but smooth blades like Kai and Personna Comfort Coated (so-called Lab Blues). Bic Chrome Platinum are very, very comfortable for me until I go against the grain and then they chatter on my stubble and are harsh, but others with different hair don’t have that issue so they should be worth a try.

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
Due to some personal changes, my skin has become extremely sensitive and straight razor shaving has become a challenge

Things happen. Good on you for accommodating it, though I understand that you would rather not have to.

- Recommended Safety Razors with ease of use and durability at top of mind?

I imagine RazoRock razors like the Gamechanger and BBS, Henson's mild, some vintage, etc. will all show up here. As a slant fan, I'd say the RazoRock Superslant may be worth a look to you. As you know, technique and "software" contribute to the shave -- or detract from it -- so that's worth some attention as well.

------- Why single edge or double edge?

I read that "sideways" and thought, "Well, I think there was one razor designed as a triple edge with a proprietary triangular blade." So there is another choice. :)

But to your question: DE offers a huge amount of choice in blades. Gem SE offers essentially three choices: carbon steel, stainless, or stainless with a PTFE coating. For most of us who shave Gem, the coated blades are pretty much the best choice. Schick injectors attract a fair bit of attention. I'm not an injector fan so I'll leave the nuances to the nuancers but in very broad injector blades are stiffer than DE blades and may offer less "chatter" and may also hold an edge longer. "It depends" is probably the phrase that pays here. The third SE style is Artist Club which is rather like a longer injector blade and has the same advantages.

There are also razors that take a half-DE blade. I have used 1/2DE shavettes but own no 1/2DE safety razors. Some razors clearly intended for Asian markets use rather unusual blades, but some folks have them and are able to source blades somewhere. Those aren't my kick, so I'll leave that for others to cover.

One of the mildest Gem moderns is the discontinued ATT G1. Lovely smooth razor if you can snag one. Although I like Gem format I don't have a lot of depth on the bench in that game. @RonR is your guy -- one of your guys -- for the Gem world. ATT also makes what I think is the mildest AC razor, the X1. It's also a slant razor, though a very mild tilted slant. I tend to discount the slant and point to the mildness. It's a great razor as well.

- Recommended blades with ease on the face as the main driver?

I like Astra SP for DE. Smooth, mid-sharp, easy to find, inexpensive, lasts me two weeks of shaving.

My AC choice is the Kai Captain Titan Mild Pink. Some guys like the guarded blades but I find them rough and scratchy. I get three weeks out of a Kai AC blade in the ATT X1. Schick Proline blades are probably the sharpest, and in a mild razor may be stellar. I have more difficulty getting Prolines, and they're too sharp for me in some uses, so I tend to stick with the Kai Pinks.

As I noted above, the top pick for Gem format is the Personna Stainless PTFE Coated blade. I generally get almost two weeks or five shaves out of a Gem blade no matter whether I'm using Gem Ancient (Jr. Bar lather catcher), Gem Vintage (MMOC) or Gem Modern (ATT G1 or Blackland Sabre).



I shaved a fortune
Interesting points of view... and something to replace a straight razor... Given the OP's needs, I think he sort of needs something currently available.

The Karve Overlander in brass is back in stock.. as is their Stainless Steel Overlander. The copper Overlander is "special order" but is available.

The ATT X1 AC slant is readily available, though I do use mine with a Timeless Ti Crown handle to lighten it up a bit. This is a personal decision, of course.

The Athena is amazing but a 3 month wait at this point...

The ESC Claymore Evolution AC is readily available but is a half step more mild than the ATT X1.

For me, that leaves the Blutt BR-1 1.2 or .86 is a more mild shave is required and the Green Cult 2.0 Level 2, 3 or 4.. depending on the OP's requirements. The Rocnel Elite is also wonderful for my face and whiskers.

I'm only listing what I have found works for me. There are so many other choices that are working well for others here on B&B.
Due to some personal changes, my skin has become extremely sensitive and straight razor shaving has become a challenge, also for a personal reason I would prefer not to discuss. I am a straight razor person, but my hands and face have asked for a change.
Because of sensitivity issues I would recommend a "mild" razor -as mentioned above the Henson or Leaf Twig are both good choices. I am not familiar with the Karve razors but I would throw the Edwin Jagger D89 in the pot for consideration.

I like Gillette Nacet and Astra SP blades.



B&B membership has its percs
My advice would to be to secure a classic safety in the three traditional blade formats - The Old Hippie has covered those above. Say a Gillette Superspeed, a Schick Type L, a GEM 1912. Those can be found very inexpensively. Then see which makes your own socks go up and down ... Once you know if a single format works well enough for you, then you are free to fall down that particular rabbit hole ..

I'd avoid the gimmicky snap a blade in half stuff. Just one of those will run you more than the three razors mentioned, and offers just a half of one DE blade to use ..


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Coming at this from somebody that is used to straights, but is concerned about sensitivity presents some interesting challenges to making suggestions. I want to say that the mentioned ATT Artistic Club razor, or other(Stando), is probably the best compromise. The problem with mild DE razors is you aren't going to have the blade feel to guide you and you can't see the blade as somebody here frequently comments. If you go with Artist Club, then you have the option in the future to acquire a barber razor and use guarded blades if you would like to. The Feather Pro Guards are barely a guarded blade and are very efficient. The one thing I can't answer that you need to think about is what is going to be more irritating, the blade on your skin or more passes over your skin? Mild razors will require the latter, sometimes the former with just one pass can be the answer and Artist Club razors are the easiest route.
I would recommend the Henson mild. Why this one in particular? It takes out one of the variables you otherwise need to worry about (angle).

TBH there are many potential candidates, but the Henson has a very obvious simplification of the process. Most razors will work fine once you get the technique right, but the Henson just takes one of those challenges in technique and solves it for you.
The Supply SE is a mild shaving Injector that should be good for sensitive skin. For a DE, the Timeless Bronze solid bar is a mild yet efficient razor. I suspect their .68 head in either stainless or titanium would be a good choice as well.

I have heard that the Gem format is the closest thing to a straight razor as far as the feel of the shave goes. The mildest Gem would probably be the G-Bar or perhaps the Feather Weight.
Because of sensitivity issues I would recommend a "mild" razor -as mentioned above the Henson or Leaf Twig are both good choices. I am not familiar with the Karve razors but I would throw the Edwin Jagger D89 in the pot for consideration.

I like Gillette Nacet and Astra SP blades.


Me too! Along with Personna reds and labs that’s all you need!
Things happen. Good on you for accommodating it, though I understand that you would rather not have to.

I imagine RazoRock razors like the Gamechanger and BBS, Henson's mild, some vintage, etc. will all show up here. As a slant fan, I'd say the RazoRock Superslant may be worth a look to you. As you know, technique and "software" contribute to the shave -- or detract from it -- so that's worth some attention as well.

I read that "sideways" and thought, "Well, I think there was one razor designed as a triple edge with a proprietary triangular blade." So there is another choice. :)

But to your question: DE offers a huge amount of choice in blades. Gem SE offers essentially three choices: carbon steel, stainless, or stainless with a PTFE coating. For most of us who shave Gem, the coated blades are pretty much the best choice. Schick injectors attract a fair bit of attention. I'm not an injector fan so I'll leave the nuances to the nuancers but in very broad injector blades are stiffer than DE blades and may offer less "chatter" and may also hold an edge longer. "It depends" is probably the phrase that pays here. The third SE style is Artist Club which is rather like a longer injector blade and has the same advantages.

There are also razors that take a half-DE blade. I have used 1/2DE shavettes but own no 1/2DE safety razors. Some razors clearly intended for Asian markets use rather unusual blades, but some folks have them and are able to source blades somewhere. Those aren't my kick, so I'll leave that for others to cover.

One of the mildest Gem moderns is the discontinued ATT G1. Lovely smooth razor if you can snag one. Although I like Gem format I don't have a lot of depth on the bench in that game. @RonR is your guy -- one of your guys -- for the Gem world. ATT also makes what I think is the mildest AC razor, the X1. It's also a slant razor, though a very mild tilted slant. I tend to discount the slant and point to the mildness. It's a great razor as well.

I like Astra SP for DE. Smooth, mid-sharp, easy to find, inexpensive, lasts me two weeks of shaving.

My AC choice is the Kai Captain Titan Mild Pink. Some guys like the guarded blades but I find them rough and scratchy. I get three weeks out of a Kai AC blade in the ATT X1. Schick Proline blades are probably the sharpest, and in a mild razor may be stellar. I have more difficulty getting Prolines, and they're too sharp for me in some uses, so I tend to stick with the Kai Pinks.

As I noted above, the top pick for Gem format is the Personna Stainless PTFE Coated blade. I generally get almost two weeks or five shaves out of a Gem blade no matter whether I'm using Gem Ancient (Jr. Bar lather catcher), Gem Vintage (MMOC) or Gem Modern (ATT G1 or Blackland Sabre).

What I have read of slant suggests it may be better for coarser/thicker hair. I maintain a reasonably well-groomed beard, so it's just neck and cheeks, but my beck is coarse as hell even just after a day or two.
Interesting points of view... and something to replace a straight razor... Given the OP's needs, I think he sort of needs something currently available.

The Karve Overlander in brass is back in stock.. as is their Stainless Steel Overlander. The copper Overlander is "special order" but is available.

The ATT X1 AC slant is readily available, though I do use mine with a Timeless Ti Crown handle to lighten it up a bit. This is a personal decision, of course.

The Athena is amazing but a 3 month wait at this point...

The ESC Claymore Evolution AC is readily available but is a half step more mild than the ATT X1.

For me, that leaves the Blutt BR-1 1.2 or .86 is a more mild shave is required and the Green Cult 2.0 Level 2, 3 or 4.. depending on the OP's requirements. The Rocnel Elite is also wonderful for my face and whiskers.

I'm only listing what I have found works for me. There are so many other choices that are working well for others here on B&B.
ATT X1 AC looks good. See it for just over $200 at a joint called Above The Tie.
I would recommend the Rockwell 6C (around $60). It has 6 adjustment plates so you can find your comfort zone.
As for blades, I'll go along with some of the others who've recommended the Astra Superior Platinum. It's sharp enough but not hard on my face. This combination should work for almost anybody.
Good luck!
Because of sensitivity issues I would recommend a "mild" razor -as mentioned above the Henson or Leaf Twig are both good choices. I am not familiar with the Karve razors but I would throw the Edwin Jagger D89 in the pot for consideration.

I like Gillette Nacet and Astra SP blades.


For Henson, I take it that’s the AL13?


I shaved a fortune
ATT X1 AC looks good. See it for just over $200 at a joint called Above The Tie.
I just checked the "scratch and dent" section under "deals"... they have no X1 scratch and dent X1 deals at the moment. You might want to watch that section.. or email Above The Tie and see if they have any come in that haven't been listed.

As you know, you would be asking about a complete X1 head.. top cap and base plate. You could use any M5 handle. Timeless also sells scratch and dent products. Their Ti Crown handle matches up very well with the ATT X1 AC slant. That's how I have mine set up. The scratch and dent Ti Crown handles usually show up in their matte finish. I polish mine a time or two with Simichrome and it matches up pretty well with the X1, if looks are a determining factor for you.

I like stands with my razor, but that is a personal choice. The razor stands from ATT are very, Very stable. I only have one of those but always buy the Timeless handles with their matching razor stand.
I just checked the "scratch and dent" section under "deals"... they have no X1 scratch and dent X1 deals at the moment. You might want to watch that section.. or email Above The Tie and see if they have any come in that haven't been listed.

As you know, you would be asking about a complete X1 head.. top cap and base plate. You could use any M5 handle. Timeless also sells scratch and dent products. Their Ti Crown handle matches up very well with the ATT X1 AC slant. That's how I have mine set up. The scratch and dent Ti Crown handles usually show up in their matte finish. I polish mine a time or two with Simichrome and it matches up pretty well with the X1, if looks are a determining factor for you.

I like stands with my razor, but that is a personal choice. The razor stands from ATT are very, Very stable. I only have one of those but always buy the Timeless handles with their matching razor stand.

Price is fine if that’s gonna be a good razor for me.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Price is fine if that’s gonna be a good razor for me.
That get's my vote, but you are going to have to try a few of the blade options. Unfortunately, blades for AC are limited and if you don't find one that suites you, that's it. Probably try Kai Pink blades and Feather Pro Guards, if the Pink are too much, they have a guarded version that is really mild.
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