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Look at what my wife came home with

Today my wife came home with this in the case she got it for $2. Needless to say I am pretty pumped. The case is pretty gunky and needs cleaning. But the razor is pristine. It has an "O" on it, I think that lands it at 1969. It is a bad photo it makes it look rusty, but that is reflection. (I was in a hurry)



My elbows leak
Staff member
Congrats Number 1 to the great score on a great razor. It looks like a beaut.

Congrats Number 2 to having a wife who;
Looks for old razors for you
Buys said old razors for you
Supports you in this endeavor.

Sounds like they are both keepers to me LOL
Nice score's! $2 bucks with case, nice, another nice score with having a wife that helps with your endeavors!
congrats number 1 to the great score on a great razor. It looks like a beaut.

Congrats number 2 to having a wife who;
looks for old razors for you
buys said old razors for you
supports you in this endeavor.

Sounds like they are both keepers to me lol

Well the wife has been with me 26 years. Far as she is concerned this is a cheap hobby so she is happy.
Congrats Number 1 to the great score on a great razor. It looks like a beaut.

Congrats Number 2 to having a wife who;
Looks for old razors for you
Buys said old razors for you
Supports you in this endeavor.

Sounds like they are both keepers to me LOL

It's great to have a spouse that supports your idiosyncrasies.

I gave this very same razor to one of my co-workers along with a 5 blade sampler pack in an effort to convert him to DE shaving
$2 is an awesome price.. I gotta find shops I can scour for these finds, the bay is killing me with shipping.

I"m looking for an SA long and they are going for 20+
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