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Lindy's Hitchhiker's Guide To Straight Razors

That is one nice looking synthetic knot in the Peerless handle. Do you know who made the knot, as it looks like a badger.

I think I have a Peerless handle in the basement. Unfortunately, I think it has a hairline crack.

Great SW and HW. I have to tell you I am impressed with the consistent times you do per mile. The variability in time/mi. Is very small.

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That is one nice looking synthetic knot in the Peerless handle. Do you know who made the knot, as it looks like a badger.

I think I have a Peerless handle in the basement. Unfortunately, I think it has a hairline crack.

Great SW and HW. I have to tell you I am impressed with the consistent times you do per mile. The variability in time/mi. Is very small.

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LOL! Sorry for the confusion Pete! The brush in the photo is my Made-Rite 100 with a High Mountain White knot. Here's the Peerless with a synth knot from TGN.

I've been doing the power walk workout for about 4yrs. now so I guess I must be in pretty fair shape. I can get into the grove and let the endorphin's do the rest! =)
Great shaves and more beautiful razors Jon! I have that 1 inch strip around the base of my neck as well, but I often mess with it with varying degrees of success. That is the only thing that ever keeps me from a full BBS with a straight razor and I am stubborn enough to keep attempting to tame it lol.


I got moves like Jagger
Great shaves and more beautiful razors Jon! I have that 1 inch strip around the base of my neck as well, but I often mess with it with varying degrees of success. That is the only thing that ever keeps me from a full BBS with a straight razor and I am stubborn enough to keep attempting to tame it lol.
Yup, same condition here, but I don't chase BBS as it would be gone by the time I rinsed off my alum. :lol:
LOL! [MENTION=89999]skypsyd[/MENTION] & @rockviper Thanks for the chuckle guys, I need one right now!!

I was MIA yesterday for a reason... I feel like crap... My back is okay, but the rest of me feels like it's been pulled through a knothole!! No walk yesterday, and most likely not today either... I did manage a shave today though!

The Shave:
Thankfully today was a regularly scheduled DE Saturday. Using a straight today may have proven fatal, the hand just isn't steady enough.

Gillette Black Beauty @5 w/ Astra Superior stainless blade
Truefitt & Hill Trafalgar shaving cream
Ever-Ready c40 brush 'Shipmate'
Store brand WH
Truefitt & Hill Trafalgar AS balm

Sometime the little things can have an effect greater than the sum of their parts. Took a shower and a shave, and actually felt a good deal better. The shave was actually nothing special, a single hybrid pass for a DFS. I'm going to let it go at that. I'm not going anyplace today, and Ben don't care if I shave at all!
good call on using the DE Jon, sorry your are not feeling well, get better soon, and Sam I thought that might be your grandma, I thought I noted the scent of Tabac :lol:
Hookey dokes dere eh! Da' good news is I'm still alive. Da' bad news is I tried to kill myself. More accurately it was a conspiracy aided and abetted by my own foolishness! I'll never trust a blood sugar meter again! Got a bogus reading which led me to believe my feeling lousy was from something else, went to bed and when I got up next morning I felt okayish, so I went and did my walk (foolishness). Got 3mi. in and hit the wall... HARD! Struggled back to the house and crashed out for awhile. Got up a bit later and went to bed and forgot to check my blood sugar. Got up feeling lousy. When I feel lousy I have a tendency to not eat much (more foolishness). Moped around the house, took a nap ect... Checked my blood sugar before bed... BINGO! Now it all made sense!! Gunked down some maple syurp! I'm feeling a bit better now, and being sure to eat! I may tryout a walk tomorrow, we'll see how it goes...

The Shave:
Actually got a straight razor shave in today... Past few days have been DE. Went with this Berg for today...

EA Berg
Bison horsehide strop
Rubberset 400 w/silvertip knot
SV Manna di Sicilia soap
Store brand WH
SV Manna di Sicilia AS

Shave went well all things considered... No blood!! 2 passes for a DFS and let it go at that...
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