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Liggett's and Gillette's

So awhile back a I picked up a few Gillette match booklets to put in my display case and noticed something different about one of them. On the spine of the booklet where it would normally say Gillette, one read Liggett's. So of course I googled Liggett's and found them to be a fairly large chain of drug stores that would also help form the Rexall drug chain as well. I thought this was kind of a cool little find and didn't think much more about it until the other day. I was cruising eBay and found this Federal cased razor and some other shaving goodies in a buy it now lot. Besides the wrong razor in the case everything looked normal until I viewed the picture of the lid. It has a Liggett's drug store price tag on it. I had to have it to accent the little match booklet. I thought it was a neat find to find these little guys at separate times and thought I'd share.


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