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Let's talk TV's


First off, not sure if this is the right forum section. Mods, please move if necessary,

I'm in the market for a new TV. Pretty sure I'll be going the LCD route, and 40-42 size. What I'm insure of is the Hz refresh thing. I know fast is good, if you watch fast sports, movies, etc. That said, I watch lots of auto racing, hockey, and tennis. Do I need to go with the 240hz or will the 120hz suffice?

Think I'm leaning towards a Sharp or LG. There is currently an LG 42" on sale for $999 at Best Buy. It's a little more pricey than I'd like, but I think I'm in love.

Of course this purchase will incur additional costs, digital cable, pvr, etc.

Any TV recommendations and/or comments on the 120 vs 240 appreciated.
First off, not sure if this is the right forum section. Mods, please move if necessary,

I'm in the market for a new TV. Pretty sure I'll be going the LCD route, and 40-42 size. What I'm insure of is the Hz refresh thing. I know fast is good, if you watch fast sports, movies, etc. That said, I watch lots of auto racing, hockey, and tennis. Do I need to go with the 240hz or will the 120hz suffice?

Think I'm leaning towards a Sharp or LG. There is currently an LG 42" on sale for $999 at Best Buy. It's a little more pricey than I'd like, but I think I'm in love.

Of course this purchase will incur additional costs, digital cable, pvr, etc.

Any TV recommendations and/or comments on the 120 vs 240 appreciated.

Basically, no cable companies or dish companies are broadcasting at even 120HZ, yet. They're still at 60HZ. So, I'm not sure what you'd really be getting by going to 240HZ. Put another way, I believe it's a bit like buying a Formula One race car to drive to work in stop-and-go traffic.
for the money I don't think you can beat plasma.. to me they just look 'better' vs LCD, w/o that artificial sharpness.. am a big fan of the Panasonic Viera 46 G series, check the reviews at Cnet.com and see what they have to say about 'em. And for ANY cables I goto monoprice.com, you can save hundreds o $$$ instead of buying overpriced best buy or monster cables, and in any length! I picked up a 75' HDM cable for about $34 shipped, ask the guy at Best Buy how much one of those would cost.... grin
I have a 120 hz LCD and a 60 hz LCD. Is there a difference? I don't think so. Both are Samsungs. One is a 46" "650" series and the other is a 40" "550" series. I think both have a nice picture and both are hooked up to blu-ray players (a PS3 with the 650 and a Samsung basic BD player for the 550).

Plasma can offer some bang for your buck, especially if you want to go big. I was considering upsizing soon, and was going to focus in on a Panasonic plasma, but have recently read about issues some people are having with the sets "adjusting" their black levels after a year or so of use. Panasonic basically said "that is supposed to happen, too bad" and so I am wary. Samsung plasmas are also supposed to be nice. Plasmas are preferred by some for their deeper blacks, so if the black isn't that deep, there is no point. Plus some say plasmas are really best suited for rooms without much sunlight, as they get washed out easier than LCDs.

I would also check for a deal on a Samsung LED. The LED technology is supposed to deliver black levels that are on par with the plasmas. With the apparent downfall of Panasonic plasmas, this is where I may end up when I decide to upsize.

If you want to read up on some opinions from some real A/V geeks, check out AVSforum. If there is an issue with a set, those guys have found it.

+1 on the monoprice suggestion. I buy all my cables there now. You'll walk through Best Buy after buying there and laugh at the prices they try to get. I also bought some ~$2 cables off Amazon. They had 1000+ positive feedback so I gave them a shot, worked great.
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Basically, no cable companies or dish companies are broadcasting at even 120HZ, yet. They're still at 60HZ. So, I'm not sure what you'd really be getting by going to 240HZ. Put another way, I believe it's a bit like buying a Formula One race car to drive to work in stop-and-go traffic.

60Hz, 120Hz, and 240Hz refers to the refresh rate of the television and has nothing to do with the incoming broadcast signal. Theoretically, with a higher refresh rate, motion blur will be lessened.
60Hz, 120Hz, and 240Hz refers to the refresh rate of the television and has nothing to do with the incoming broadcast signal. Theoretically, with a higher refresh rate, motion blur will be lessened.

Actually, it has everything to do with it.
Most TV programs are recorded and broadcast at 30 fps. Movies are done at 24 fps. I challenge anyone to honestly tell the difference between a 120HZ TV and a 240HZ TV.
I have a 42" Sharp Aquos LCD. I Love it. It is a great product. The picture is a whole lot better than my old LG. My advice is go and compare the TV's at your local store then come home with the model #'s and research some on the net.
I have a Sony LCD with a 240Hz refresh rate. I looked at it in the store playing various high-speed action and there's a HUGE difference between 60 Hz and 120. At 240 Hz you're definitely in to diminishing returns.

As for things to watch out for, I agree that plasma TV's offer a better picture in an ideal viewing environment (dark room). Unfortunately I do not have anything near to an ideal room. It's very bright with lots of glare. That meant plasmas were out (LCDs are much brighter). Also due to the glare issue, a matte screen was a necessity. I was originally looking at Samsungs, but the glossy screen would have been a disaster in our room (i.e. I might as well just purchase a mirror).
I have both 120HZ and 240HZ sets in my home and quite honestly I can’t tell the difference between the two as far as action trailing etc. is concerned. One a 55” is Toshiba’s top of the line and the other a 46” is Sony’s as well. To me I would say that both are scary clear and sharp; though I have never put them side by side. Also surprise! But I would give up the 55” in 240HZ long before the Sony. It is hands down the sharpest set that I have ever seen and of course the latest offering would be in 240HZ... For your reference it is there XBR serious. This I will say; have never been surer of advice given than when I say “SONY XBR” as a new set.
Good Luck !
Refresh rate will depend on how much of a videophile you are...if you don't tend to notice little things then its probably not too much of a concern. That being said, go with the best you can afford as a general rule.

One word of warning with plasma's...it seems like many out there are cheaper because they are only 720p. IMO you should settle for nothing less than 1080p. Why wouldn't you want full HD?

Lastly, brands. IMHO Samsung and Sony are the only way to go, at least in the affordable range. If you can afford something like a Pioneer Elite, go for it! To me, Sony and Samsung have been in the TV biz long enough to prove they make a good product. Sharp has been making LCD's for a long time but it seems like they are making low quality merchandise these days, although the Aquos line seems nice. LG, Toshiba, Philips, RCA, etc definitely appear to save you money by making lesser quality units.
Actually, it has everything to do with it.
Most TV programs are recorded and broadcast at 30 fps. Movies are done at 24 fps. I challenge anyone to honestly tell the difference between a 120HZ TV and a 240HZ TV.

I was only addressing your claim about television broadcasters only currently broadcasting signals in 60Hz, which is incorrect since the Hz numbers refer to the refresh rate of the television set itself and not the broadcast signal. I did, however, stipulate that a higher refresh rate can reduce motion blur, which is what is explained in the link you provided. I agree that a television with a 240Hz refresh rate is likely overkill.
+1 on the monoprice.com cables and accessories...cheap and better quality than retail brands

before any move check www.dealnews.com daily fora bout 4 or 5 days...

Great deals from retail stores, online shops, etc...new, refurbs, sony, sharp, lg, etc...

it's really a nice compilation of deals around...
the 120hz and 240hz TV´s do give a slight fluidity extra, but its only noticable from high quality high definition sources,

BUT, if 3D TV becomes a reality, and it does seem some studios are working on 3D blueray movies, then one of the requirement of 3D images is the ability for the TV to reproduce twice as many frames per second to create the dual perspective illusion,
current Television sets use progresive scan to produce 30 fps at 60hz (NTSC which is US and japan) or 25fps at 50hz (PAL which most of the rest of the world), 3D would require a theorical doubling of framerate and therefore will require a 120hz TV for NTSC or a 100hz TV for pal,
With the apparent downfall of Panasonic plasmas, this is where I may end up when I decide to upsize.

never heard of that???????last time i checked panasonic plasma's were winning awards and producing some great sets, well worth a look. that new neo plasma is a great tv, so is any pana!

jvc make a great tv also. LT42WX70
+1 on the monoprice.com cables and accessories...cheap and better quality than retail brands

before any move check www.dealnews.com daily fora bout 4 or 5 days...

+1 on this. I saved ~$200 on my tv.

Plasmas's are on the way out with the latest addition of LED's. Get one of those if you can.

Dealnews generally has some great deals, I repeatedly see 40" Sony Bravias going for around $600...

Also, if you go to the store to look, keep in mind those tvs are all calibrated incorrectly; they could look different once set correctly in your place. Definitely research it online after looking.

Good luck!
Love My Panasonic Plasma and I will purchase another. It has such a pleasing picture and as I sat with My in-laws watching the Winter Olympics, they ask, "Why did we spend almost double for Our Sony?" I led the horse to water.....
Panasonic Plasma all the way. The new models that were shown at CES have black levels on par if not better than the legendary Pioneer Kuro. And they can be found at all price ranges from $700 to Iif you have to ask. Great products.
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