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Less aggressive suggestions?

Like many of you, I'm looking for the "perfect" razor. I have tried only a handful of razors and think I have a pretty good handle on what I'm looking for, but I am overwhelmed by the choices out there.

My dilemma:
Basically, I prefer a less aggressive razor with an ultra-sharp blade. I prefer the head weight and solid construction of the 38c, but it is just a tad too aggressive for me. I have a fat boy (set on 2-3), which currently is my daily shaver, but prefer the solid feel of the head from the merkur razors. I also have a progress (set on 1 up from zeroed if that makes any sense), which I thought would be ideal, except the quality in craftsmanship is the worst I have ever seen in a razor, so it sits on the shelf collecting dust.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you.
Read the reviews and take care but something like a Merkur Future or Vision might be your solution.

I had a Vision. Its' a big beefy razor but you can dial it down to be extremely gentle.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
When I think of a gentle razor/sharp blade combo, the first thing that comes to mind is a Merkur long handle with either a Feather or a Swedish Gillette.
I have had great luck with a Tech and a Feather or an Aristocrat and a Derby Extra.

I picked up some red personnas at Walmart and I'm lookign forward to giving them a try in the Tech, and in my Superspeed.
IMO, a gentle shaver would be a Tech, especially one with the flat (vs curved) baseplate.

They are generally inexpensive and you can change the shave a bit by using a sharper blade like the Feather or a more forgiving blade like Derby's or Crystals.

A Merkur will be more aggressive all else being equal, IME.
I'd recommend a '60~'65 Gillette Superspeed. I consider these the 'golden age' of the SS's and are well suited to the guy looking for a mild/medium razor of excellent quality.

Good luck in your quest.

-- John Gehman
Thanks for the replies everyone.

I'm going to try and acquire a Tech. The Super Speeds look like a non-adjustable fatboy, and I already have a fatboy.
Thanks for the replies everyone.

I'm going to try and acquire a Tech. The Super Speeds look like a non-adjustable fatboy, and I already have a fatboy.

There is a rather inexpensive Tech in the BST right now (~$12).

Not mine BTW.

FWIW: I shaved with a Fatboy today, for the first time and loved it.

I found it to be super gentle when set on 1-3. Do you find it too aggressive when set on 1? (That's just about a gentle as they come, IMO.)
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