I know most tutorials about lathering always have some step guiding readers to leave water in the brush/not leave the brush completely dry prior to beginning the lathering process.
Every time I've done this I have usually left too much water in and the lather doesn't so much get ruined as not explode as it would if I load dry and add water slowly.
Am I doing something wrong here? I always soak my animal hair brushes before use and always end up with too much water if I don't squeeze it all out (or shake vigorously).
Every time I've done this I have usually left too much water in and the lather doesn't so much get ruined as not explode as it would if I load dry and add water slowly.
Am I doing something wrong here? I always soak my animal hair brushes before use and always end up with too much water if I don't squeeze it all out (or shake vigorously).