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League of Extraordinary Mild Shavers

I am definitely joining. I realized the two things my three top razors have in common, they are OC, and they are mild. I was a Jagger fan for years. My face couldn't handle the iKon SB, Slant, or OSS. So mild for me, all the way.

1. iKon OC/OSS Handle; 2. iKon Shavecraft/Weber Classic Handle 3. Gillette New LC/iKon Bulldog II Handle

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The fun thing is that I could join both LEMS and Mind the Gap.

The latest time I have been using mostly really mild razors like Tech, Sodial (the new good one) and Merkur 15C. I get a smooth face with them even though I have a coarse beard.

Still I a bit miss the R41 I sold, and I will soon have a 37C (maybe even today), as I sometimes enjoy a long lasting BBS. Mild razors do not deliver a long lasting BBS.

Moderate razors like R89 does not fit me at all.

We will see if I join later...
May I join the L.E.M. S.?

Pretty much all my razors are on the mild side.

Example: I have shaved with my Simplex 7 enough to know it must be the mildest out there. Much much milder than a Tech. It's a great intro razor for newbs interested in DE shaving but nervous about the blade. It simply does not / can not bite you. And a rhodium ball-end Tech just for good measure..

$Simplex 7.jpg
$rhodium Tech.jpg
OK - I'm in if I may; a couple of old classics here:

These were in appalling condition when I got them from Fleabay a few months ago - a bit of cleaning & TLC on my part & they're now in my regular rotation - very mild, yet efficient at the same time
OK, my limited experience haas me favoring the Stahly, which I don't believe anyone has mentioned. In second place, so far, is the Shick Krona. I prefer the Stahly with the vibration, but even without it, it's a very mild acting razor.
My every day Razor is most definitely a Extraordinarily Mild:


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My every day Razor is most definitely a Extraordinarily Mild:
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I'm still sorting out if my Canadian 1932 triangular slot Tech is really the "0.67" aggressive Tech, or if it's the same as my usual pre-war Tech. Great shaves, nice and friendly to boot.

I may have to try my Fatboy on 1 or 2 - I thought a "3" corresponded to a regular Tech. Then I discovered - um, no. Oh well . . .
OK, I can't tell the difference between a Canadian 1932 Tech and a US pre-war triangular slot Tech. At least not tonight. 2 pass, DFS. No ATG anywhere.

Nice razors.
On a whim, I decided to try extra mild shaving. Almost all of my DE razors are pretty mild, Slims, Fatboys, 40's SS, New Long comb.

I put a gillette yellow on it's 3rd or 4th shave in a Fatboy on 1. Whipped up a mug full of Williams lather and did about 15 passes. Very little irritation, DFS. Maybe there is something to this mild razor thing. I do get a closer shave in less passes with the long comb, but there is usually some irritation, and on a couple occasions, significant razor burn.

Having heard all my life 'less passes for less irritation' right alongside 'more blades is better' I assumed that a bunch of passes and bladebuffing with a mild razor would be more irritation, but it hit me... I don't believe the more blades is better theory, why am I trusting the less passes is better theory?
I didn't notice any shave difference between 4 and 3 on my Fatboy, but 3 felt "safer". I may have to try 2, and if that works, 1.

I do wonder how a Tech would shave with a heavy handle. I haven't tried that yet, despite the fact that I 1) have a Tech and 2) I have a heavy handle. :001_tongu

I started shaving thinking I wanted a mild razor. From a Muhle R89, I ended up going all the way to a R41 (2013), and then back down again. Now I shave with Techs and a Fatboy on mild, or my British New open comb which is my mildest open comb.

Out of curiosity, is there a friendlier vintage open comb than the British News (and the elusive open comb Tech)? Don't bother telling me about the Merkur open combs with the blade on the teeth, as those irritate the !#$!#@%@#$% out of my face and don't shave.
Sorry for reaching far into the past, had to say this is the loveliest matched pair of mild razors, I lean to vintage goods, congrats - these are beautiful… Thanks for the eye candy.:biggrin1:

What a choice luxury every morning! -David

@ RobE...........can't say I've ever seen a black TV Special before. Very nice.
I'd nominate the iKon Slant for inclusion in the 'League' - mild to the point of uselessness, in my experience (and I like a mild razor). :)
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