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Latest eBay gamble for me.

Won this at auction today. I am a fan of the 102. I have one in rotation that has a Weber Bull Dog Handle. I am looking forward to trying out the original Bull Dog. According to the seller no cracks in the handle and only 1 slightly bent corner tooth. I hope it cleans up well.

$Bulldog 1.jpg$Bulldog 2.jpg
Congrats, Bill-- great score! I also think that one will clean up really well. Looking forward to the "after" photos! :001_tt1:
This one looks like it is the triple plated silver so I will be doing the ole' baking soda, aluminum foil and hot water with this one. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
I absolutely love those Gillette Bulldogs. The handle is one of the best looking handles there is, IMO. I wish they were a traditional 3 piece, so you could use the handle on a NEW or something else.

I had a Silver plated Old Type that I did the baking soda/foil/hot water thing on, and it's amazing. After about 3 treatments (mine was black in spots) I took an old, soft toothbrush and some dish soap and cleaned the rest of it off. It came out great. However, yours will come out better because it already has some shine to it.

Well it didn't clean up quite as good as I had hoped it would but I am still thrilled to have this one. This might be one that I should rhodium plate, put into rotation (cause I like the shave I get from the 102) and hand down to my children.

Here it is before the cleanup.

$Bulldog 2.jpg

Here is is after the cleanup. Baking soda foil and boiling water soak times 2.


I think it kinda looked better with the natural patina on it. Oh well to late now. I was kinda thinking replate all along. As usual all opinions welcomed.
I used to be in the never replate frame of mind, but any more I think anything to increase their chance of survival. Congrats!
I put a Feather in it and went at it this morning. I got that familiar close smooth comfortable shave that I was expecting from this baby. I am not sure if the guide pins are a wee bit smaller on this BullDog or not but I had to pay close attention to the blade alignment as the blade moves around a bit more than I like. I always check the alignment on any blade/razor that I use before putting it to my face and I don't mind taking the time to realign if needed. Better than the alternative. It takes less time to align the blade than it does for my face to heal from a bad shave.
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