Winning bids on ebay brought me the following.
Schich injector type L - NOS
I shaved with an injector in college, but unfortunately tended to throw things away back then that I no longer used or wanted. The type G injector I picked up at an antique store wasn't working for me (short, slippery turquoise handle). Emotionally wanted a NOS injector. The handle is the longest of any razor I own and feels very secure in the hand. The razor is so easy to use and gives a very good shave. A simple razor that brings back memories of simpler times. Plan to make this my weekend razor.
Gem G Bar
A beauty of a razor. Chrome plating makes it shine like a new Merkur. The head angle and textured handle with foot at the end contribute to a natural blade to face angle, sure grip and an excellent shave. Gem by Personna SE blade from Walgreens plus MWF soap equaled great experience and outcome this morning. With a blade gap of .024 inches, the G Bar is the mildest, non-adjustable in my posse. But I got a very close shave anyhow. The head is very wide, accomodating the blade, spring, hinge, and lever, making shaving under the nose a little tricky. This razor will definitely become a member of the rotation.
Schich injector type L - NOS
I shaved with an injector in college, but unfortunately tended to throw things away back then that I no longer used or wanted. The type G injector I picked up at an antique store wasn't working for me (short, slippery turquoise handle). Emotionally wanted a NOS injector. The handle is the longest of any razor I own and feels very secure in the hand. The razor is so easy to use and gives a very good shave. A simple razor that brings back memories of simpler times. Plan to make this my weekend razor.
Gem G Bar
A beauty of a razor. Chrome plating makes it shine like a new Merkur. The head angle and textured handle with foot at the end contribute to a natural blade to face angle, sure grip and an excellent shave. Gem by Personna SE blade from Walgreens plus MWF soap equaled great experience and outcome this morning. With a blade gap of .024 inches, the G Bar is the mildest, non-adjustable in my posse. But I got a very close shave anyhow. The head is very wide, accomodating the blade, spring, hinge, and lever, making shaving under the nose a little tricky. This razor will definitely become a member of the rotation.