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Kruve Brewler

My brewler came in this week.

I had seen both James Hoffman and The Coffee Chronicler use them to convey grind size in specific recipes so I thought I would pick one up so I could have a starting point with their recipes (noting that the grind size will vary due to different beans and my personal taste). It also will be helpful when a recipe gives a vague 'medium coarse' that I have some reference to compare it to 'coarse' or different varieties of salt.

It came with a magnetic grind size chart as a starting point for various brew methods.


Here are some links in case you want to investigate this tool:
Brewler Home Page

Features and Benefits (from their website):
Measure your grind - Grind size measurements from 200-1600um
Grade your green coffee beans - Bean size measurements from 11-20/64"
Convenient conversion table for common brewing related conversions
15cm ruler - great for measuring portafilter basket size
Calibrate your grinder - Use it for grinder calibration

How to use:

Grind size video by The Coffee Chronicler using the brewler to show what grind size he likes for various brew methods:
I was looking to calibrate my grinder with the pour over grind size setting (800-1100 microns) in the Coffee Chronicler video above and found it easier to use the micron guide on the supplied magnet than using the actual metal Brewler (at least with the current lighting on my kitchen table). It was easier for me to compare the filled in dots on the magnet than the holes in the metal. I also followed the Brewler calibration video above and looked for the average sizes in a grind and not measure the outliers (fines and boulders).
Interesting results. But now that you share your experience it does seem reasonable that the hole size patterns would be easier to see against the white background of the magnet rather than the Brewler.
sighs... I've been waiting on a screen set for both beans and grind for most of the month of March. Out of stock is such a bummer these days. I suppose it's a killer for their bottom line too. :(
Interesting results. But now that you share your experience it does seem reasonable that the hole size patterns would be easier to see against the white background of the magnet rather than the Brewler.
I realized that I could use the Brewler on top of the green plastic proctector sleeve that came with it to fill in the holes with a color other than white that they recommend in their videos. That makes it easier to see. I can get the Brewler closer to the actual grinds than the magnet (since the magnet has a white boarder around it).
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