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Kill the Blade Tarnish

Guys, after each shave I tissue dry, then linen Strop my 5/8ths carbon steel Dovo. Then I spray a little Camillia oil and yet I can still see some tarnish coming in, I usually use Maas to get rid of it but then I need to re-sharpen. What gives???? Is there anything else I should be doing??
Check to make sure there isn't any water in between the scales when you're done shaving. I find that to be more of an issue with my dovo than with other razors.
Is any water getting trapped under the oil? Or maybe your local water tends to place "water-spots" on steel? If it is water-spots, I don't worry about 'em.

I use Ballistol oil after each shave. It doesn't help with water-spots. It works very well for rust in damp areas as it will emulsify with water; many oils don't.
spray with WD-40, done deal. WD stands for water displacing.

Leave the blade open from the scales. Some scale materials actually cause rust. There is a good post on here about it. Something about that certain plastic or whatever material gives off some gas or something....

I just dab a cotton ball with any type oil I grab. Make sure the blade shines with a small amount of oil only. Just enough to seal the steel from the air.

I live less than a mile from the ocean. And it's very humid here. No issues with rust UNLESS I don't oil. Brands don't matter. Olive oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, WD-40, gun oil and so on all work for me.

I used to use toilet tissue to fully dry the scales. Now, I dry the blade, strop a few on canvas or rough leather to make sure the edge is dry, finish stropping the blade and just prop the razor up open leaning against something on the counter and let it air dry. But, I live in Nevada, notoriously for its lack of humidity. :001_rolle:001_rolle

I only oil blades when they go away for a while.
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