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Kent Military Brush

I haven't really used a brush or comb in a long time - probably since grammar school. Since high school and on I have pretty much just been styling my hair with my hands.

Recently I have been reading about the benefits a good brush of the hair/scalp could do. Any thoughts?

Also, anyone use the military style kent brush (or something similar)? If I were to buy one, that was one of the ones I was looking at.

Brylcreem and my military style kent brush, you can't beat the combination!

I have found Brylcreem to not work too well with my hair. My hair is very thick and I have recently been having to use a thicker type of hair product (American Crew paste or fiber - green or blue, or even Bed Head manipultor - too expensive). I have even used pomade but that seems more to me if I wanted to part my hair and brush to side (like when I was a kid). Now, throw product in, mess it up, brush with fingers kind of forward and push the front up a little bit.

Any suggestions on hair product to work with thick hair that may be remanageable?
I have twin Kent military brushes and love them. When I first got them I was kind of concerned about how to use them and didn't think they worked all that well. I constantly dropped them or had them flip out of my hands from trying to jab the bristles all the way down to the scalp. Big mistake. It just takes a bit of patience and practice to get used to them. Once I learned to sort of buff my hair with them, it became easier. They work their way through your hair much better when you don't try to force them to do it.

I do like using two of them at a time. You most certainly can brush your hair with one of them and do a fine job. I just like being able to use both and brush both sides or the top and sides of my hair at one time. My hair cut could sort of be called what I guess is a "businessman's" cut. Clippers up the side, scissors on top, and parted on the side. It is a bit fine stranded but I have a LOT of hair with only just a touch of receding at the temples. If I let it grow out too much it is unruly. The Kents work well when it is moderately short. That is not to say it won't work with long hair. I remember a chap posting here who said he had shoulder length hair and used nothing but a Kent military. Wouldn't use anything else. Look at Kent's eBay store. They have the basic men's model for about $15 each or at least they used to. I bought two of them since it was going to be somewhat expensive carriage from England anyway. I think it was about $48 shipped for the two. Twenty-four dollars apiece is quite a good bargain in my estimation. Most U.S. Kent dealers want $48 or more for ONE brush plus shipping. If this second has any flaws, I can't really find them. Best of luck.

Regards, Todd
Look at Kent's eBay store. They have the basic men's model for about $15 each or at least they used to.

(current approximate price with shipping for 1 brush is 21.80, 2 brushes is $42.10)

I've been looking at those Kent brushes, along with some of their other men's products, for about a year now, but haven't pulled the trigger.

Is there a functional difference between the white bristles and black ones? Or is it just cosmetics, and the bristles are the same?
Well, it looks like the exchange rate is down a bit. Good news. As to the bristles, I had enquired with Kent two or three times before purchasing and their take on the bristle colours; no difference. Mine are PLENTY stiff.

Regards, Todd
Brylcreem and my military style kent brush, you can't beat the combination!

+1, this is what I use. When my hair is short (up to 2 weeks after a cut) I use Groom & Clean. From 2+ weeks until my new hair cut (one month) I use Brylcreem.

I got my Kent military-style brush from the eBay store. It is excellent, and I now can't imagine using another brush.
Ok, I am feeling dumb. Where is the Kent ebay store? Is it named Kent or Kent of London? I keep finding many other stores but that one.

I have 2 of their MC4 (natural boar hair bristle in cherry wood) model and they work great. I use both in the morning and carry one in my briefcase.
I usually spread some AS I am wearing that day into my hair and brush it through... this necessitates washing the brushes at least bi-weekly.
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i have 2 of their mc4 (natural boar hair bristle in cherry wood) model and they work great. I use both in the morning and carry one in my briefcase.
I usually spread some as i am wearing that day into my hair and brush it through... This necessitates washing the brushes at least bi-weekly.

What is AS?
Is there a functional difference between the white bristles and black ones? Or is it just cosmetics, and the bristles are the same?

My understanding, that unless the bristles are natural boar hair, the only difference between the white and black bristles are cosmetic.

I have read in posts elsewhere, that blondes and lighter colored hair people tend to get the white bristles while darker hair people tend to lean toward the black bristles. It's all about the contrasting appearance of cleaning... lighter hair does not show up as much in white bristles and darker hair does not show up as much in black bristles.
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