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Keepin' it in the family

My wife went to see her 94 year young Grandmothers yesterday. She was in the bathroom and noticed a razor, her Grandfather had passed some 25 years ago. Her G-ma said take it. Here it is, as it sat for 25 years. I'll pass it down to one of our Grandsons.


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Btw. It's a 1973 long handle black beauty T3. I just shaved with it. 7-7-4 wow! BBS. Using a feather blade, I also have a 74 U2short handle, I got a much better shave with the long handle. Wazza I totally agree. Made me think about how G-pa must've loved this razor.
Nice story, passing on wisdom. That's a nice razor. I have one and gave another to a young man who was having some serious shaving problems. He was amazed by the comfort and closeness it delivered. I think the earlier generations had better shaving tools than the ones that are largely available today.
Very nice thing to have. I also envy those who have something like this available to them.

My grandfather always shaved with a DE razor, as did my grandmother. I can remember seeing them in the bathroom from teh time I was small. If she was still living in her home, she would be able to show me exactly where my grandfathers razors are, and a few of hers, because she never got rid of anything.

Unfortunately, my mothers (rest her soul) siblings moved her to an assisted care facility before I started DE shaving. This wasn't a bad thing since she really needed the change. However, the awful thing was they had no respect for the things she had spent a lifetime collecting. Granted, she did keep a lot of things that were really unnecessary, but they went in and just wholesale threw out boxes of stuff without even going through them. They just took the things they wanted for themselves and pitched the rest. They just saw most of it as junk, where my grandmother saw it as memories of her life. She was so hurt she still isn't speaking to several of them. That's another story.

My dad did manage to get some of the stuff in storage and my grandmother had packed some of my grandfathers stuff away and put it in storage as well. My dad is trying to sort through all of it as he has time, and he said he seems to remember seeing some razors in a box somewhere in the unit. Perhaps one day he will find them and I will have a razor that belonged to my grandfather.

Knowing how they were, it will not be an expensive model like a President or and Aristocrat, unless it was given to him as a gift. My grandfather was very practical when it came to himself and extremely generous when it came to the rest of the family. Best man and human being I have ever known.
Jeff, I hope soon you'll find some lost treasures in the storage unit. And now you can pass your razors down the line.
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