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Karve Goatlander Brotherhood (KGB)

Razor: Karve Overlander Brass
Blade: Derby Extra
Soap: Macduff’s Crowsnest Pass
Aftershave: Matching splash

Another 10/10 Overlander shave. I did my usual 2.5 passes (only 2 passes on the neck - 3 on the rest). No nicks, cuts or irritation.

February 25, 2024 Sunday shave

Razor: Karve Overlander, aluminum
Blade: Lord Platinum (1)
Soap: Cella red
Brush: Yaqi 24mm Timberwolf w/Mysterious Space handle
Post shave: Osma alum block, Thayer's Witch Hazel
Aftershave: Aqua Velva Ice Blue

This was a three pass shave on two days growth. The Lord blade was a bit rough starting out, but smoothed out a little as the shave progressed. The Overlander seems to make even the rougher blades perform well, IMO.
It was a great shave, no weepers, nicks, etc. and no irritation. It's the mark of the Overlander. Nothing else comes close.


Quick update from another Overlander convert....

I haven't used any other razor since I received my brass Overlander a little over a month ago, so I could really get used to this new razor. In that month and a bit, I have enjoyed the razor immensely, right from the first shave, and it has rewarded me with some of the best shaves I have ever had - repeatedly and in such a trouble-free way.

As others have pointed out, ATG is really, really smooth. I also think that the resulting blade angle against the face, where it cuts optimally with the Overlander, results in the hairs being cut more cleanly/perpendicularly than razors that need a steeper angle. I may very well be wrong in this, but it's the only way that I can explain to myself how I can achieve almost BBS on my lower neck (without trying for it - it just turns out that way) using the Overlander without any ingrown hairs in the next few days. If I attempted that close on my lower neck with any other razor, I'd suffer with a few uncomfortable ingrowns for days. With the Overlander - none. This is a revelation for me.

I have enjoyed it so much, that I ordered a Stainless Steel Overlander last week - exactly a month after receiving the brass Overlander.

I'll force myself back to my Athena for a few shaves soon but in the meantime, I really look forward to every shave with my Overlander.

What a wonderful position to be in - having to decide whether to use the Overlander or Athena. I count myself as very fortunate.
February 27, 2024 Tuesday shave

Razor: Karve Overlander, stainless steel
Blade: Treet Platinum (2)
Soap: Cella red
Brush: Simpson Trafalgar T3
Post shave: Barbero alum block, Thayer's Witch Hazel
Aftershave: Old Spice Original

This was a three pass shave of 48 hours growth.
Although the Treet Platinum produces more blade feel than most other blades, it gave a very good shave.
Paired with the Overlander, it was a great shave. No weepers, nicks, etc. and no irritation.
This was a very satisfying and relaxing shave.

10/10 BBS

Enjoy your day!


Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
I just received two more Karve aluminum razors. I got another aluminum Overlander in blue, with the Project X handle, since I was enjoying my black and berry noir one so much. And while I was at it I got a blue Bison. Haven’t tried the Bison yet. The Bison blue has a slight green tint - perhaps I’d call it petrol blue. Very nice. Both razors have the characteristic Karve perfection with the screw thread machining and I spent some time screwing and unscrewing the razors just for how nice this feels.



Lounging On The Isle Of Tugsley.
Last night’s excellent shave
Karve brass Overlander
Loi Titanium (1)
Damp facecloth aka “shave binky”
AP ShaveCo Dinosaur G5C 28mm synthetic brush
Pre-shave: warm showe
Lather: ARKO!, bowl-loaded; face-lathered
Aftershave: Ulm Nom
Post-shave: face wash with shave binky

A fresh Loi Titanium; the one blade I’ve been using in November; provided a smooth, close shave as it effortlessly glided over the lemony and nag champa lather that is ARKO!
Today’s shave wasn’t the best, I was trying out a new blade but it gave me lots of irritation. I completed 3 passes but still had growth and my neck was red like a tomato afterwards. Going ATG irritation got worse not sure if the blade I used was a dud so might try a new one before making up my mind on the GSB.

4 weeks, 2 days and counting. Hopefully Chris sends me tracking information soon for my brass Overlander. Not complaining, just anxious. ☺️
I waited almost exactly the same time to hear about my aluminum Overlander, then I finally emailed him. It took more than one email (because of course) before he wrote back that he had "archived" my order, but would send it out later that day via upgraded shipping. Point being, it doesn't hurt to message him and grease the skids a bit.
February 29, 2024 Thursday shave

Razor: Karve Overlander, stainless steel
Blade: Treet Platinum (3)
Soap: Cella red
Brush: Omega 10049 Professional boar
Post shave: Osma alum block, Thayer's Witch Hazel
Aftershave: Old Spice Original

This was the usual three pass shave on 2 days growth. It took a little more work, as the Treet Platinum blade has lost its sharpness.
The Overlander was the star of the show. Always an exceptional shave!
It was a great shave. No weepers, nicks, etc. and no irritation.

10/10 Excellent

Enjoy your day!

Quick update from another Overlander convert....

I haven't used any other razor since I received my brass Overlander a little over a month ago, so I could really get used to this new razor. In that month and a bit, I have enjoyed the razor immensely, right from the first shave, and it has rewarded me with some of the best shaves I have ever had - repeatedly and in such a trouble-free way.

As others have pointed out, ATG is really, really smooth. I also think that the resulting blade angle against the face, where it cuts optimally with the Overlander, results in the hairs being cut more cleanly/perpendicularly than razors that need a steeper angle. I may very well be wrong in this, but it's the only way that I can explain to myself how I can achieve almost BBS on my lower neck (without trying for it - it just turns out that way) using the Overlander without any ingrown hairs in the next few days. If I attempted that close on my lower neck with any other razor, I'd suffer with a few uncomfortable ingrowns for days. With the Overlander - none. This is a revelation for me.

I have enjoyed it so much, that I ordered a Stainless Steel Overlander last week - exactly a month after receiving the brass Overlander.

I'll force myself back to my Athena for a few shaves soon but in the meantime, I really look forward to every shave with my Overlander.

What a wonderful position to be in - having to decide whether to use the Overlander or Athena. I count myself as very fortunate.


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I have been shaving with karve overlander these two months almost exclusively.

This is my understanding of this razor so far:

Medium performance WTG
Very good performance XTG and ATG
It tames even the sharpest blade. I have tried Feather and BIC and these felt as medium sharp in Overlander.
Never got a weeper in these two months.
As much as I like blade tabs covered I have to try a bit more (compared to Fatip razor) when I go under the nose with it.

Somehow RAD is not killed in me since I got this razor but at least it is sleeping. I see Muhle R41 or Lambda Athena in my dreams. :)
I waited almost exactly the same time to hear about my aluminum Overlander, then I finally emailed him. It took more than one email (because of course) before he wrote back that he had "archived" my order, but would send it out later that day via upgraded shipping. Point being, it doesn't hurt to message him and grease the skids a bit.

In the same situation, six weeks since ordering the overlander, mailed Karve twice but no response. Not mad or worried, just hope it eventually gets over here🤓😎
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