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Just wanted to thank everyone for helping!

When the Fusion came out I quickly became irritated with how much it cost to shave. I soon went back to my Mach 3 and started buying the cartriges on Ebay. Last year I stumbled on a web site that promoted wet shaving with a DE razor. I was intrigued, so I purchased a brand new Parker razor off of Ebay, 200 Derby extra blades, a badger brush and a tube of Proraso shaving cream. For several weeks I tried to use the Parker, but the experience was awful!! I wanted to like it, but all I got was razor burn, a ton of nicks, alot of stubble left on my face after multible passes. I could not believe that there were crazy people around that enjoyed shaving that way. I went back to my Mach 3, but I continued to use the brush and Proraso as it was far superior to the can crap. I was left with 200 Derby blades that would never by used. Two weeks ago I ran out of Proraso so I got on the internet to order some more and came across this forum!! After lurking here for a week and reading posts and reviews I decided that maybe my Parker razor was to blame for my bad experience. I took a hard look at that razor and realized that the shaft has a noticable bow in it and that there is uneven blade exposure on each side of the blade. It also holds the blade in so tight that there is a slight bow to the blade. After reading several reviews of razors I decided to give DE shaving one last shot, so I ordered a late 40's Gillette super speed off Ebay, $15 plus $5 for shipping. It came in the mail last night so this morning I eagerly loaded a new Derby blade and went at it. It was awesome!!! Smooth, no razor burn, no nicks, a great shave from a 60 year old razor!! So I wanted to thank everyone here for all your posts and reviews and giving me the encouragement to try DE shaving again. That Parker is going in the trash. Have a great Christmas.
It's not a bad idea to try out other blades, but sounds like you are doing fine with the Derbys. You bought 200, you really don't play around!!! :lol:

Welcome to B&B!

Congratulations on your great shave with a great razor and welcome to Badger and Blade. You are going to love this place.

Well bummer you had a bad start with what sounds like a defective DE but glad you finally had a good experience. Every body has their own likes and dislikes and it can be kind of confusing at first figuring out what works for you. Gladly it sounds like you have hit on a combo that is getting you good results. Applause for bravery in giving it one more try.
Welcome Mattymatt and congratulations on finding a great classic razor. I have one as well and find it to be one of my favorites, others here will agree. Your on your way to enjoying what others think is drudgery.

Best regards,

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