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Just used my first soap and wow!

I bought some Tabac shaving soap and think I like it better than creams. I may be a converted man!


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Good show. If you like Tabac be sure to try and find some Irisch Moos soap (discontinued) but its the same soap but a fresher scent.

also no need to switch fully to soap or cream, there is room for both. I try to alternate between the 2 and enjoy the aspects both of them offer.
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Good show. If you like Tabac be sure to try and find some Irisch Moos soap (discontinued) but its the same soap but a fresher scent.

also no need to switch fully to soap or cream, there is room for both. I try to alternate between the 2 and enjoy the aspects both of them offer.

That is what I plan as I do have some very nice creams. I like both.
I hated the smell when i got it. But after a few months I actually started to like it. It's a great soap and there are many other wonderful soaps out there.

I love face lathering with my Semogue 620. I sold all my creams except my Nancy Boy and only use soaps now.
However Tabac may spoil you from the start--and I don't question the premise!-- your comment was prompted by your first use of soap, period. As many report, and for me as well, lather was easier to make from cream when starting out. Once I learned what good lather looked and felt like, I tried soap alone and liked the result, but still prefer to add something. Lately I'm adding the glycerin only for a two-band uberlather, so to speak, with D.R. Harris Windsor, an excellent triple milled soap.

The great thing about liking soaps in general is that there are many in particular you then have to check out. Not all at once, but don't let that Tabac trance effect keep you from a little exploration.

I shook my D.R. Harris soap trance a while back, but obviously I'm regressing.
Tabac has got to be one of the best shaving soaps ever. You have moved into a bigger and brighter world. Welcome! I know you will enjoy your stay!
Also a big fan. I tried it for the first time about three weeks ago and after a week of shaves, ordered three more pucks.
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