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Just tried Mitchell's.

only if you make it dry.

different soaps like different ammounts of water, so if you find your MWF lather on the dry side just add a bit more water untill you hit its sweet spot
Dry lather means add more water. I face lather with it, so it goes on the face like paste. I then dip the tip of the brush into a mug of hot water, work the lather and dip again as needed to work it up. It's a great soap and very easy to lather.
That was my first impression as well. You just need to find Mitchell's sweet-spot. I find that by heavily rinsing my face between passes (but not so much as to rinse off the "slimy" of "slick" feel of the soap) I can avoid the dryness. Took me a few tries but I got it down, and so will you! :wink2:
Don't get discouraged. MWF takes some getting used to (for me, at least!). It lathers a bit differently than most of my other soaps.
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